How to brew valerian, brew valerian root for drinking, bathing

How to brew valerian, brew valerian root for drinking, bathing

Medicinal herbs, when properly prepared and used, can really get rid of serious ailments and improve the quality of life for people. The question “How to brew valerian?” worries, but in reality it is not at all difficult to accomplish. The main thing is the correct choice of dosage. First of all, they are determined for the purpose of preparing a decoction and infusion.

How to brew valerian root?

Valerian is a plant in which nature has invested many useful properties that allow people to get rid of such ailments as:

  • insomnia;
  • neuroses;
  • headache;
  • violation of normal blood circulation;
  • problems with digestion;
  • hypertension.

The list of the positive properties of valerian goes on and on.

How to brew valerian correctly?

Before use, the root must be thoroughly dried, preferably in the fresh air under natural light. It should be said that when trying to dry it using home appliances or gas ovens, a lot of essential oils are lost, which have a good effect on the human body. This leads to a decrease in the quality of the plant.

How is the broth prepared?

The approach to this procedure will depend on the task at hand. If you need to take a bath in order to relieve tension and get rid of insomnia, you will need at least half a kilogram of valerian roots. They are poured with boiling water (2000 ml). After insisting for 90 minutes, the broth is poured into the bathroom with water and placed there.

How to brew valerian for drinking?

The brewing process for valerian root depends directly on the purpose of use. For the bathroom, you need to take a larger amount of this plant. But as for the ingestion of a ready-made infusion and decoction, it is important to observe the right proportion in order to avoid an overdose, as this can cause a deterioration in well-being and a sharp decrease in blood pressure.

Method of preparing a decoction for drinking:

To get rid of migraines or insomnia, to eliminate the symptoms of neuroses, you need to take 10 g of dry roots and pour 400 milliliters of water. After that, they need to be boiled for 120 minutes, cooled and taken 7 drops three times a day.

If the broth remains unused at the end of the day, it must be placed in the refrigerator, storage is allowed only in a dark and cool place. In the heat, such a product can deteriorate and be unusable.

How to brew valerian for bathing newborns?

Adults can use a large amount of valerian roots for bathing, as a small dose may not be effective. But as for infants, caution is important here in any case. Overdoses should not be allowed, as they may not affect the baby in the best way.

In addition, you must first make sure that the child is not allergic to this plant. With the right approach, valerian has a relaxing effect on the baby’s body, which improves the quality of his sleep and makes it easier to fall asleep.

How to prepare a bath for an infant toddler:

  • water – 250 ml;
  • dried valerian root – 20 g.

Valerian is poured with boiling water, boiled over low heat for about 5 minutes. Insist for about half an hour. Pour the infusion into a bath with lukewarm water and bathe the baby before bedtime.

Thanks to the miraculous properties that improve the quality of human life and eliminate overexcitation in infants, valerian root will not lose its relevance. If you do not exceed the required dose, it is impossible to harm the body of an adult or child.

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