How to brew lemongrass, lemongrass tea, fruits, liana correctly
Lemongrass is a worthy product for making delicious and healthy tea. Knowing how to brew lemongrass, you can count on maximum benefits.
How to make lemongrass tea: basic rules
Leaves, bark, shoots are used to prepare the drink. It is assumed that the proportions must be observed: 15 grams of any kind of raw material per liter of boiled water. Then the tea should not be stirred, as it should undergo a 5-minute infusion without external influences.
How to brew lemongrass: fruits, leaves
Lemongrass leaves are an ideal independent ingredient in making classic tea. To preserve the aroma of the component, the drink is not brewed in a thermos.
How to brew lemongrass fruits?
Using the fruits, you can apply the classic and simple method of the procedure. To prepare a drink, a tablespoon of fruits is recommended to be placed in an enamel bowl, pour 200 milliliters of water and boil for ten minutes. Then the tea is infused for XNUMX hours, filtered. It is advisable to drink the prepared drink during the day, adding sugar to taste and focusing on personal preferences.
How to brew lemongrass vine properly: use leaves and stems
For the preparation of tasty and healthy tea, it is recommended to use leaves and stems. Both components can have a beneficial effect on the body. Cooking options:
- leaves. The drink turns out to be tasty, at the same time acquiring unusual facets. Lemongrass leaves are used to make tea in a small teapot. Compliance with the proportions is mandatory: a glass of boiled water – a teaspoon of raw materials in a crushed form. Making tea in a thermos is not advisable, as the aroma will disappear, the taste will acquire rough shades;
- stems. This option is suitable even for winter. Dried or fresh stems should be cut into small pieces and then used for brewing. It is advisable to add sugar or honey to taste.
How to brew lemongrass: benefits
Regular intake of tea made on the basis of lemongrass allows you to count on the following beneficial effects:
- strengthening immunity;
- increasing the body’s resistance to colds;
- the appearance of cheerfulness;
- stimulation for mental and physical fatigue;
- improved mood for depression;
- increased blood pressure;
- improving health in case of vascular insufficiency, diseases of the lungs and kidneys, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, anemia.
An important nuance: lemongrass should not be consumed before bedtime. Otherwise, sleep will be disrupted.
Lemongrass tea is a unique drink worth trying!