How to brew lemon balm tea
Melissa has a calming effect and restores the nervous system. A decoction from this plant is not only useful, but also delicious. We suggest ways how to brew lemon balm tea. And also we will find out if everyone can use it.
How to brew lemon balm correctly?
Tea quenches thirst well in hot weather, soothes the nervous system and lowers blood pressure. With hypotension, it is not advisable to use it.
How to brew lemon balm as a tea to calm your nerves?
Melissa tea is prepared as follows:
- Pour 1 tsp into a cup. chopped fresh leaves of herbs and pour boiling water.
- Insist 30 minutes.
They drink tea without sugar so that its benefits for the body do not decrease.
For neurological diseases, lemon balm is brewed with mint. Rosehip or hawthorn is also added to the drink.
To strengthen the immune system and lose weight, brew green tea with lemon balm.
Are lemon balm flowers brewed? Yes, tea is made from them. Fresh flowers are poured with boiling water and drunk to quench their thirst. In its warm form, tea is used as a diaphoretic, as well as a medicine for dizziness and menstrual irregularities.
How to brew lemon balm as a remedy
For the preparation of broths, dry raw materials are taken. The leaves are crushed and poured with boiling water. The dosage depends on the problem:
- In case of indigestion, 30 g of grass is poured into 1 liter of boiling water. Insist 30 minutes. and drink 3 times a day for 200 g.
- For insomnia, drink 100 g of tea at night. Prepare a drink like this: 2 tsp. 200 ml of boiling water is poured over dry leaves, put on fire and boiled for 5 minutes. Insist 2 hours.
- To lose weight and reduce appetite, brew green tea with lemon balm. First, mix 100 g of the purchased product with 2 tsp. herbs valerian, mint, lemon balm, oregano and motherwort. The composition of the sedative collection can be changed at will. Then 2 tsp. tea is poured into 200 ml of boiling water. Insist 30 minutes. and drink warm 4 times a day.
- With neurasthenia or neuroses, brew 2 tbsp. l. herbs in 400 ml of boiling water. Boil for 5 minutes. and insist 30 minutes. Drink 100 ml 4 times a day.
Drink tea in moderation, otherwise health problems arise. The nervous and cardiovascular systems are particularly affected. Pregnant women should not drink this drink.
It is useful to drink hot tea with lemon balm for colds and viral diseases. The drink helps to strengthen the immune system. Brew 2 tsp. fresh leaves 200 ml of boiling water.
Lemon balm tea is drunk hot or cold. To enhance its beneficial properties, add honey, valerian or mint.