How to brew green tea
KP understands how to properly brew green tea so that it remains healthy and fully reveals its taste.

Green tea is a common drink that is on the shelf of any store. Many prefer it to black. In order for green tea to reveal all the facets of taste, you need to choose the right leaves, brew it correctly and serve it to the table. And although at first glance it seems that it is simple, in fact, the process has its own characteristics. We have prepared step-by-step instructions that will tell you how to brew green tea correctly.

Step 1. Choosing tea

Before brewing tea, you need to choose the right leaves. This is one of the main secrets of a delicious drink. There are many varieties of green tea, everyone can choose according to their taste.

It is important to pay attention to the date of production and packaging of tea, as well as the expiration date. Although the leaves do not literally spoil, over time they lose their properties and cease to give a rich taste when brewed.

Loose leaf tea is best for brewing.

Step 2. Prepare the teapot

In order for the drink to reveal its taste better, it is best to use a cast-iron teapot. Before pouring tea leaves, the kettle should be slightly warmed up.

Step 3. Add tea

Pour the tea into the warm teapot. The amount of tea depends on the variety and taste. We recommend using 4-8 grams of dry tea leaf per 100 ml of water.

Step 4: Add Water

Now it’s time to add water. It should be hot, but not boiling. The ideal water temperature is 80 degrees. Pour water into the kettle, cover with a lid.

Step 5. Infuse tea

Any good tea takes time to brew. Wait 4-5 minutes. Some varieties need to be brewed less, others a little longer.

Step 6. Pouring tea

Now it remains to pour the finished tea into cups. The remaining tea leaves can be refilled with water so that the next portion of tea is ready by the time the first mug is finished.

Step 7. Serve tea

Green tea is usually drunk hot, so it should be consumed immediately after spilling. This is an independent drink, in which it is not necessary to add sugar or honey, but this option is also not excluded.

It is best to drink green tea with dried fruits, candied fruits or nuts.

Tea Master Tips

Ruslan Kapustin, managing partner of the online service for the sale of tea, chocolate and freshly roasted coffee Torrefacto shared useful life hacks for brewing green tea:

Green tea is one of the most popular varieties in the world. Its main feature lies in the production process. Fermentation is stopped at an early stage, which makes the tea closer to unpicked leaves in its properties.

According to popular belief, green tea is made from a different plant than black tea, but this is not the case. Both are made from the same species, and these teas differ in processing technology.

Despite the fact that green tea has been drunk in our country for a long time, not everyone knows about the features of its brewing, which noticeably distinguish it from black. Here are some tips to help you cook it deliciously:

  1. Preheat the kettle with hot water before pouring tea into it. This will help to warm the tea leaf so that it does not experience sudden temperature changes when brewing. A gradual increase in temperature makes the infusion softer and sweeter.
  2. Use water heated to 80 degrees, not boiling water – this temperature will not burn the tea leaf and will not make your drink bitter.
  3. Do not keep tea leaves in water for a long time, it is better to brew tea and pour it into cups after 4-5 minutes of infusion, and then pour water into the teapot again – this way you will get a drink of optimal temperature and strength that does not have to be diluted.
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Green tea is an independent drink. Try tasting quality, whole leaf tea. You will discover a rich floral-herbaceous aroma, and its sweetness on the palate will remind you of spring. Adding sugar will make the drink sweeter, but the taste of the infusion will become flatter, and you will deprive yourself of the virtues for which this type of tea is valued.

Popular questions and answers

Ruslan Kapustin helped us answer frequently asked questions about green tea.

How to drink green tea properly?

Drinking tea should not be very hot, the temperature of the infusion should not be higher than 70 degrees. This way you won’t burn yourself and you can enjoy the taste to the fullest.

When tasting tea, specialists “squish” it, drawing it from a cup or spoon quite intensively in order to enrich the infusion with oxygen and more fully reveal its taste in the mouth, using all the taste buds of the tongue. You can try this method yourself and feel if there is a difference. Do this carefully so that the liquid does not enter the respiratory tract.

Can milk be added to green tea?

In many cultures, it is customary to drink tea with milk to make it milder and counteract the effects of the caffeine in the leaves. Milk is sometimes added to green tea to add new flavors. Now in modern coffee houses, Matcha Latte is gaining popularity – a drink based on green powdered tea and milk.

How to brew bagged green tea?

The brewing of bagged green tea differs from leaf tea in that usually a broken leaf or poor quality tea is packaged in bags, and often in pyramids. This makes the drink sharper and more intense in taste, but on the other hand, it helps to extract all the substances into the infusion faster.

Try brewing green tea bags with water below 90 degrees and increasing the steeping time as well. So you get a rich tea without bitterness.

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