How to brew flax seeds for stomach, weight loss and hair

How to brew flax seeds for stomach, weight loss and hair

It turned out that the method of brewing flax seeds depends on the desired effect. We tell the details in the material.

Traditional medicine offers a lot of ways to improve and strengthen your health with the help of medicinal plants. Such treatment must be approached wisely so as not to harm oneself. In the case of flax seeds, it is almost impossible to harm. Knowing how to brew flax seeds, there is no doubt that the medicinal broth will benefit a person.

Gifts of nature: how to brew flax seeds

There are many ways to use flax seeds. You can even brew them in different ways, resulting in the following substances:

  • infusion;

  • decoction;

  • slime;

  • butter.

How to brew flax seeds for the stomach?

The most valuable food for the stomach is mucus from flax seeds. To prepare it, you must do the following.

  • For 1 tsp. seeds, you need to take a glass of boiling water and pour it into a glass bottle with a cork.

  • Beat hot water with seeds for half an hour. The result is mucus.

  • Strain the whole mass through cheesecloth or a sieve so that only mucus remains.

Take half an hour before meals, divided into three doses. A new portion is prepared every day.

How to brew flaxseed for weight loss?

Flax seeds are a source of vegetable fiber, without which weight loss is unthinkable. Plus, the decoction and infusion of the seed have an enveloping effect and reduce appetite. These small seeds contain a record amount of beneficial vitamins and minerals. They are used whole or in crushed form.

decoction for the stomach it is easy to prepare.

  • At 2 st. l. seeds, take 250 ml of water, bring to a boil and boil for 10 minutes.

  • Insist half an hour.

  • Strain and consume.

Infusion preparing even easier and faster.

  • 1 tsp pour a glass of boiling water, cover and leave for 20 minutes.

  • Strain the infusion.

  • Consume daily before each meal for a quarter of an hour. The course of admission is 10 days. After a week and a half, the reception can be repeated.

The famous German nutritionist Johanna Budwig hypothesized that the consumption of flax seeds can reduce the risk of cancer. In 1952, she gave a talk about the medicinal antioxidant properties of flax seeds. Budwig suggested that breakfast be given due attention. It must certainly be satisfying and consist, for example, of cottage cheese with mixed flax seeds. In addition, it is necessary to completely eliminate sugar from the diet, replacing it with honey, sausages, tea, coffee and some other products. Of course, there is no scientific evidence in the treatment of cancer with such a diet. However, as modern studies show, the use of flax seeds can really reduce the spread of cancer.

Flax seeds and flaxseed oil are used to give the hair a beautiful shine and healthy look. The following recipes are effective.

  • 2 tbsp. l. brew seeds in 2 liters of boiling water, leave for at least 2 hours. Strain and use as a rinse after shampooing.

  • Rub linseed oil into the scalp, wrap hair with a film and a towel. The mask can be removed after an hour. Rinse hair with a gentle shampoo.

Linseed oil it is useful to use it inside. It is advised to drink 1 tbsp every day. l. a spoonful of oil on an empty stomach to promote health and look good.

Expert Opinion

Physician, therapist, endocrinologist of the family clinic chain

– Flaxseed undoubtedly has many useful properties – anti-inflammatory, good for the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and the heart, is the prevention of atherosclerosis. But there are also contraindications. For example, flax seeds in any form are not recommended for use during pregnancy – they can cause premature birth. With caution – for those who suffer from intestinal obstruction: a fiber-rich product can worsen well-being. The use of flax for medicinal and prophylactic purposes should be discussed with a therapist. Excess omega-3s and fiber can also affect your health.

Anna Gerasimenko, Rumiya Safiulina, Editorial

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