How to brew fennel for a nursing mother and newborn

How to brew fennel for a nursing mother and newborn

Fennel is similar to dill and is often referred to as drugstore dill. It is used as a spice and natural medicine. Therefore, everyone needs to know how to brew fennel and how to use it correctly.

Useful plant: how to brew fennel

Have you heard about the benefits of fennel tea for babies? This drink has a beneficial effect on the baby’s body:

  • eliminates gas formation;
  • removes spasm of intestinal muscles;
  • helps in the digestion of food;
  • calms and relaxes.

How to brew fennel for newborns?

Children’s tea is prepared simply:

  • Crush 3-4 g of seeds in a mortar and pour 200 ml of boiling water;
  • infuse tea for half an hour, strain and give the child a teaspoon.

Dill water is credited with many beneficial properties. Previously, it was possible to purchase it without any problems in pharmacies, now it is more difficult with this. Such water is made as follows: for 1000 ml of boiled cold water, take 0,05 ml of fennel essential oil. You need to store the medicine in the refrigerator for no more than 30 days.

Fennel fruits: how to brew properly for gastritis

Fennel is used as a component for medicinal decoctions for stomach ailments. Required ingredients – only 1 tsp each:

  • fruits of fennel;
  • marshmallow root;
  • chamomile leaves;
  • liquorice root;
  • wheatgrass root.

Grind the ingredients. For 1 tsp. mixture, take a glass of hot water and leave for 60 minutes. Drink warm at night.

How to brew fennel seeds for weight loss?

Fennel seeds are an excellent remedy for people looking to lose weight and normalize their weight. The seeds are used either dried or fresh. With an acute feeling of hunger, you can chew a teaspoon of seeds, and all unpleasant sensations will disappear. Another plus of this method is the diuretic effect. All excess water is quickly and painlessly excreted from the body, and this is very important when losing weight. It is also useful to drink fennel tea:

  1. 20 g sunflower seeds.
  2. Pour a glass of boiling water over.
  3. Boil for 5 minutes.

After half an hour, the broth for weight loss is ready for use.

How to brew fennel for a nursing mom

If a nursing mother has little milk, then taking infusion from fennel seeds will help to establish lactation. The instruction is simple:

  1. Take 2 tsp in a glass of boiling water. seeds.
  2. Insist for 20-30 minutes.
  3. Drink three times a day.

Each time you need to brew a new batch of tea. Fennel acts as a female sex hormone. That is why it stabilizes lactation and improves the menstrual cycle. It is strictly contraindicated for pregnant women to drink such a drink.

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