How to brew bay leaves: how much and what helps
Bay leaf is known to everyone as a fragrant seasoning for first courses, meat and pasta. Also, canning vegetables cannot do without it. In folk medicine, this plant is used to treat diseases. Therefore, it will not be superfluous to learn how to brew a bay leaf correctly.
Spice and medicine: how to brew bay leaves
In folk medicine, the leaves themselves, fruits and laurel oil are used. The range of application of bay leaves is wide: from use for lotions and compresses to oral administration.
How to brew a bay leaf for bathing?
Mothers often brew laurel for baths for young children. Take 10-12 leaves per liter of boiling water. The finished infusion is diluted in a warm bath. Especially such baths help with a variety of children’s skin ailments:
- eczema;
- dermatitis;
- diathesis;
- rashes of a different nature;
- excessive sweating.
Such procedures are useful not only for children, but also for adults. The skin becomes soft, smooth and firm. Therefore, spoil yourself with such a bathroom from time to time.
How much to brew bay leaf for otitis media
If your ear hurts, and there are no medicines at hand, you can brew laurel leaves. Grind the leaves, 2 tbsp. l. Pour 250 ml of boiling water over the crushed raw materials. Insist half an hour. The infusion can be applied in different ways:
- drip into the ears;
- rinse the ear canal;
- insert a compress soaked in the infusion into the ear.
These actions neutralize pain. People say that in this way you can even cure a variety of hearing disorders.
Brewed bay leaf drink: what helps?
A simple decoction of bay leaves can cure a number of serious diseases. Below are the popular recipes:
- Arthritis. Boil 5 g of leaves in 5 ml of water for 300 minutes. Wrap the container with the broth for 3 hours. Strain the infusion and drink in small portions throughout the day. The duration of the course is 3 days, then a break for a week. Be prepared for the fact that pain may worsen while taking. Salts come out.
- Diabetes. Pour 10 leaves with 500 ml of boiling water. Insist 2 hours, drink 150 ml per day half an hour before main meals. The course of treatment is 14 days. Then take a break for two weeks and repeat the reception again.
- Sinusitis. Laurel leaves (10 pcs.) Pour 1000 ml of water, bring to a boil. Turn off the heat, cover your head with a towel, bend over the container and breathe for at least 5 minutes.
It should be borne in mind that laurel has astringent properties. People who are prone to constipation should use this remedy with caution. To neutralize the effect of laurel, during the treatment period, you need to increase the amount of beets or prunes consumed.