How to boost immunity

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Constant stress, not the best environmental situation – all this negatively affects our immunity. But there are natural remedies that will help not only strengthen it, but also protect the body from harmful effects.

Even a healthy lifestyle, sports and all kinds of vitamins can not always help our body in the fight against all kinds of harmful environmental factors. But nature itself is always in a hurry to help man. After all, there is a natural natural immunocorrector, which is designed to regulate our immunity – “Transfer Factor”… Molecules contained in Transfer Factor tune the human immune system in the right way, thereby enhancing the protective properties of the body. By the way, these useful substances are contained in the blood and colostrum of humans and animals, egg yolks of birds and fish caviar, so there is no doubt about the naturalness and harmlessness of Transfer Factor.

Remember, with age, the human body stops working in the same mode, resistance to harmful environmental factors weakens and, as a result, the immune system requires additional support. In this case, Transfer Factor will become your faithful friend, who will restore the broken links of the immune system. It improves general condition, restores appetite, increases work capacity, activity and memory. Transfer Factor is a completely natural product that is not addictive, and besides, its reception can be easily combined with other means. Keep in mind that a balanced immune system is a source of youth, good physical condition and a guarantee of the body’s high resistance to various harmful influences.

Natural products “Biorhythm”

Address: Samara, st. metro station “Sportivnaya”, st. Gagarina, 86a

Tel.: (846) 972-80-04, 8-927-264-88-11

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