How to boil oil?

How to boil oil?

Sterilized oil is often necessary in the care of newborn babies, as it provides gentle and gentle lubrication of their delicate skin, as well as the sweat. Unfortunately, there is no guarantee that oil bought in a store or pharmacy is absolutely sterile, so it is useful to learn how to carry out such a procedure at home.

Vegetable or olive oil can be purchased at a store or pharmacy, but the manufacturer cannot guarantee the complete sterility of the product, while self-sterilized oil is XNUMX% free of fragrances and harmful chemicals that are so dangerous for the skin of babies.

If you do not trust the manufacturers of children’s hygiene products and are dubious about store or pharmacy oils, prepare your boiled oil. To boil a plant-based product at home, you will need an iron pot and a glass jar (or mug) to use as a water bath.

Sterile olive or vegetable oil can be used to soften baby’s skin, clean baby’s ears and nose, and massage

To get started, you definitely need to warm up the oil well on a steam bath. Pour it into a mug or glass jar and place the container in a large saucepan, half filled with water. Bring the water to a boil, reduce the heat, and let the water bath heat the oil for twenty minutes. In this case, vegetable oil will not boil like water, since heating alone will already make it sterile.

Cool the finished oil, after which you can lubricate sterile cotton swabs with it and wipe the folds of the newborn.

Tips for Boiling Oil Properly

In no case do not boil vegetable oil without a water bath on the fire, and also watch the time – it should not warm up for more than 25-30 minutes. Otherwise, the oil can heat up to near boiling point and ignite.

Remember that boiled oil remains sterile for only a few hours after heat treatment; after this period, it is not recommended to use it.

If your oil does catch fire, never flood it with water to avoid at least a black stain on the ceiling. Cover the container with burning oil with an iron lid from the pan – the flame cut off from the oxygen will instantly go out.

You will read about the recipe for making brine for salting lard in the next article.

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