How to bewitch a man: what to cook for a man to fall in love

They say that the path to the heart must be made through the stomach. Well, there is some truth in this statement.

“I would like to come home, but the cat meets you and says:“ I cooked some soup for you, ”Misha held out with longing in his voice. Misha is 35 years old and single. And now, it turns out, what he expects from his beloved woman.

Yes, men still fall for pies, borscht and dumplings. And if you cook something from our list for dinner, you will immediately be made a marriage proposal. Maybe mentally, but they will.

Seafood is a famous aphrodisiac. And not only, they are full of other benefits.

Squids, for example, they are rich in iron and zinc, these two elements help to transport oxygen faster through the vessels, and as a result of such processes testosterone, the main friend of love, rises very well. Shrimp and crayfish tails, in turn, are saturated with protein that supports libido. Mussels – the product is low-calorie and original in taste, moreover, they raise hemoglobin.

It is very useful to “bewitch” food, add to food and the main love delicacy – caviar… By the way, Casanova himself preferred her before every date.

RECIPE: octopus carpaccio

In 2 servings: 6 small octopuses, 100 g cherry tomatoes, 4 potatoes, 50 ml dry white wine, salt, garlic, basil and olive oil.

How to cook: rinse the octopuses, cut into pieces and fry in olive oil. Add chopped basil and garlic and season with salt. Without removing from the fire, send potatoes and cherry tomatoes there. After 10 minutes, pour over the wine and simmer until the potatoes are tender. The dish is served chilled.

Condiments and spices are your best friends in the field of conquering men. Salt alone is not enough.

The most famous aphrodisiac spices are vanilla, cloves, ginger, rosemary, cumin, curry, dill, mustard, garlic and black pepper. All these spices added to the main course increase sexual desire in both men and women. However, all is well when it is appropriate.

For example, you should not add spices from bags to a salad of fresh vegetables, it will be good greens from the garden. Fish should be seasoned with lemon, thyme, black and allspice, while pork should be seasoned with garlic and nutmeg. Chicken is especially tasty with turmeric and ginger, and lamb – with coriander, drumstick, pepper and cumin.

RECIPE: Japanese salad “Chicken with ginger”

In 2 servings: 100 g chicken fillet, 50 g pickled ginger, 2 tbsp. l. soy sauce, 1 bunch of lettuce, 1 cucumber, 5 cherry tomatoes, 1 tsp. honey, 2 tbsp. l. olive oil, 1 tbsp. l. white sesame seeds.

How to cook: wash the vegetables, cut the tomatoes in half, cut the cucumber into strips, tear the leaves. Finely chop the boiled fillet and mix with the pickled ginger. For dressing, mix honey, sauce and olive oil. Put everything in a salad bowl, sprinkle with oil dressing, and sprinkle with fried sesame seeds on top.

No, we are not talking about dessert, it will be discussed below. There is another aphrodisiac, which is not as popular as oysters, but no less good from this. Even more – due to its availability. We’re talking about honey. Have you ever wondered why honeymoons are called honeymoons? And it’s not just that! The trace element boron contained in honey can increase the level of testosterone in the blood – and this hormone, as we know, is responsible for the sexual desire of both men and women.

RECIPE: pork ribs with honey

In 2 servings: 400 g pork ribs, lemon and orange – one each, 3 tbsp. l. honey, 200 g of soy sauce, salt, pepper, spices.

How to cook: Rub the chopped ribs with salt and pepper and pour over the marinade of lemon, orange, mustard, honey and soy sauce. Place a bowl of meat in the refrigerator. Let it marinate as long as possible (up to a day), and then send it to the oven for an hour, pouring it with honey sauce from time to time. Serve on a large, pretty platter.

Protein-rich foods are endowed with the ability to fuel passion. These are, for example, quail eggs – they also contain vitamins, calcium, phosphorus, potassium, iron. And also snails, blue cheese and mushrooms.

RECIPE: champignon soup with cream

In 2 servings: 300 g champignons, onion, 3 tbsp. l. butter, 3 cups chicken stock, ½ cup 35% cream, ¼ cup flour, ground black pepper, dried thyme, salt.

How to cook: melt a tablespoon of butter in a saucepan. Add finely chopped onions, mushrooms, salt, thyme, ground black pepper, sauté until half cooked, then add two more tablespoons of oil. Stir until mushrooms are brown. Then add flour, broth and bring the soup to a boil. Cook over low heat for 10 minutes, stirring constantly. Then beat with a blender, add cream and cook for a couple of minutes.

Light sandwiches are perfect for a snack.


In 2 servings: half a mini baguette, 1 tomato, 50 g blue cheese, egg, 2 tsp. mayonnaise, salt, pepper, herbs.

How to cook: cut the baguette into half-centimeter slices. Place in a skillet without oil and fry on both sides over high heat. Grind boiled eggs with a blender, add mayonnaise, salt and pepper to them. Cut the blue cheese into cubes, the tomato into wedges. Spread the slices with egg paste in a thin layer, top with tomato and blue cheese cubes, sprinkle with herbs.

Another rule of a romantic evening: meals should not be heavy. Otherwise, your man will turn into a heavy seal, which is only enough to collapse belly up on the sofa. But do not feed him with salad leaves alone! And we have come up with a special healthy lifestyle dish for you, which is also satisfying.

RECIPE: salad with mini cutlets

In 2 servings: 2 sheets of iceberg lettuce, cucumber, a sprig of cherry tomatoes, bell pepper (preferably yellow), 400 g of minced veal, salt, spices, 100 ml of olive oil and 100 g of hard cheese.

How to cook: first of all, fry minced meat mini-cutlets in a pan – no larger than a matchbox. At the bottom of a large flat plate, put lettuce leaves, cucumber rings, halves of cherry tomatoes, slices of yellow pepper. Put mini-cutlets on top, sprinkle all this delicacy with grated cheese and chopped fresh herbs.

And here is the promised dessert. A bar of dark chocolate is the most effective way to combat sadness, and chocolate fondue is just a storehouse of the hormone serotonin. And if you add an assortment of walnuts, almonds, pine nuts and coconuts to this delicacy, then you will surely fall in love with it.

RECIPE: fruit candy

2 servings: 1 banana, 3 kiwi, 100 g of dark chocolate and skewers.

How to cook: cut the fruit into small pieces, pierce them with skewers and put in the freezer for 5 minutes. Then dip the frozen fruit slices into melted chocolate (you can use the microwave) and let them cool.

RECIPE: Temptation

In 2 servings: one banana and one mango, 2 tsp. honey, a handful of almonds and pine nuts.

How to cook: chop the fruit with a blender. Season the resulting puree with honey and add ground nuts. Arrange in bowls and serve with crackers.

And here we will talk about drinks strictly 18+. Neither with children, nor with children, they should not be cooked.

RECIPE: Delight cocktail

In 2 servings: 10 quail eggs, 3 tablespoons of honey, vanilla, 50 g of vodka.

How to cook: beat eggs well, add a pinch of vanilla, honey and beat again. The final touch is to pour vodka into the jug with the resulting mixture and mix thoroughly.

RECIPE: “Love Punch”

In 2 servings: orange, 500 ml of dry white wine, 2 tsp. honey, ginger, cinnamon, nutmeg.

How to cook: in a decanter of wine, add orange juice, a pinch of ginger, nutmeg, cinnamon and honey. Stir well and let sit for several hours in the refrigerator.

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