How to best neuter your cat – best grooming tips
Many have a cat at home. When she starts hunting, it turns into a common problem for the whole family: she interferes with sleep and suffers along with all family members. Consider next when it is best to neuter your cat.
When is the best time to spay a cat is a simple question.
What is the best way to neuter a cat?
Before the operation, the animal must be prepared:
– do not feed for 12 hours;
– stock up on all the necessary medicines and vitamins for quick wound healing;
– do a general cleaning in the room so that there is as little infection as possible, the cat’s immunity will be weakened.
The procedure involves the removal of the uterus and ovaries. It is to this option that most of all specialists are inclined. After all, the uterus can eventually become inflamed, like appendicitis in humans. Simpler operations:
– removal of only the ovaries without the uterus (for young cats);
– rewind channels.
The latter option is considered less reliable, since all organs are preserved and the flow of hormones is still released. The cat may have the urge to mate and may cry, but the pregnancy will not happen.
When is the best time to neuter a cat?
It is better to sterilize a young cat, the doctors’ reviews here agree: at the age of 6-8 months. This age is the most optimal.
- Veterinarians advise older cats (over 7 years old), but healthy, to also sterilize so that the animal does not suffer from hormones.
- But the best answer to this question is directly from the veterinarian, since different breeds of cats develop in different ways.
- It is important that the cat is fully formed before the operation so that the flow of hormones does not resume again, this is the first thing.
- Secondly, a mature cat will undergo surgery better and her wounds will heal faster.
- Only a healthy cat can be sterilized; it should not be tormented by illness.
Depending on the breed and condition of the animal, the old age of the cat is determined.
- If she is more than 7 years old and at the same time she does not move much, she has poor coordination of movements (she may not jump or fall from high surfaces during sleep), then she is too old for surgery.
- The wound can take a long time to heal, and the body of older cats does not tolerate stress well.
- The animal may lose appetite, and the cat will walk very lethargic and depressed for a long time.
- The operation takes 30 minutes.
- The doctor makes an incision through which the operation is performed.
- Then he sews up the wound, fixes the bandage and gives it to the owner.
- Anesthesia lasts a long time, and the animal will come to its senses already at home, within its native walls.
- The cat should not be fed immediately after the operation, you can only give it a drink of water.
The next day, you can remove the bandage so that the wound breathes and heals faster, but if the cat scratches it, licks it, then it is better to put it back on so that it does not damage the stitches.