How to behave at a corporate party: basic rules of conduct
Imagine a party where no one sang a duet with the chef at karaoke. No one left in someone else’s down jacket. Didn’t fall on the boss’s husband! This is green melancholy … Healthy Food Near Me collected the most typical stories of corporate disgrace and told how to behave at a corporate party so that later you would not be painfully ashamed

What does not like New Year’s corporate parties? It has long been known that a party at work is the best way to cheer up and relax in a cold, depressing winter. This is where people relax. “Shame! I can’t look my colleagues in the eyes! – the poor fellows write in social networks and on forums the next morning. But what now – to sip narzan? No, let’s not get carried away. We tell you how to behave at a corporate party.

Because you can’t be beautiful

My friend Lena is a bright person. I mean, most people in the world like her. She is beautiful and smart. Wherever she gets a job, a circle of admirers immediately forms around her. And so she came to a large company. Grouping around her were three from sales, two from logistics, and one from promotion. Of these, she even chose her fiance. And then there was a New Year’s corporate party, where the groom appeared … uh-uh … with his legal wife.

At the same time, it turned out that Lena was liked not only by ordinary employees, but also by the top management. In a high office on a leather sofa, Lena paid tribute to her boss. Although he was also married, his wife’s laughter was heard behind the wall.

At the same time, it turned out that Lena was liked not only by ordinary employees, but also by the top management. In a high office on a leather sofa, Lena paid tribute to her boss. Although he was also married, his wife’s laughter was heard behind the wall.

Lena would never, no way! But this time, the stars and drinks fatally converged – champagne, vodka, some kind of liquor, then again champagne … Lena does not remember the end of the holiday. I woke up at home (thank God!) in boots and a fur coat. From the pocket of a fur coat protruded mute reproach underwear, crumpled into a ball.

For a week she went to the office suffering: it seemed to her that everyone knew everything! Especially the chef’s wife. A week later, she let go: what, now you can’t be so beautiful anymore? And then her boss calls her and says: you are a good specialist, of course, but not a piece. Sorry goodbye. Most likely, the boss just decided to play it safe.

Santa Claus, wait!

But there are traps for the representatives of the stronger sex. My friend Vasily once volunteered to freeze. He put on a red dressing gown with a white lining, a cap, a nylon beard and walked firmly through the offices to congratulate the employees. The company is big, they pour everywhere. At two o’clock, Vasily did not fit into the turn in the lobby, knocked over the Christmas tree and tore off the garland. Then he kicked the door open and rolled head over heels down the stairs. “I’m tired,” Vasya guessed and went to rest in the nearest office. Having collapsed on the sofa, he slept until the next noon. The financial director, who was the owner of the office, found Vasya in the morning, but did not wake him up. It’s nice that our bosses are sympathetic to alcohol-corporate misunderstandings. However, Vasya became the “star of the smoking room” for six months. He did not like this status at all, and now he is not a foot in Santa Claus!

Do not believe your eyes

Story from the network: “At a corporate party in the boss’s office. The door opens. On the threshold of the chief’s wife, well, a bunch of wards. In the office, there is such a picture – a drunken secretary on her back on the floor in a bra, on top of me in a torn dress, and behind me, in shorts, the boss with an unbuttoned shirt and a belt on his trousers. A silent scene, and then a drunken secretary shouts: “It’s not my fault, he came himself …” And everything turned out to be simple. The secretary, my friend, got drunk. The chief asked me to help him freshen up the girl so that she would not embarrass herself. They took her to the office. In the toilet I tried to bring her to her senses under cold water, I had to take off her blouse so that it would not be very wet, then after all go out to people. The chief came, took off his jacket, tie, unbuttoned his shirt to make it more comfortable, helped me maintain it. She decided that he was pestering her, began to unbutton his trousers. In general, we decided to put her on the couch and let her sleep. While they were dragging, she fell, I could not resist and fell down from above (at that moment my dress torn at the back along the seam), and the chef from behind also fell in from a loss of balance … “

Psychologist’s comment

pretend everything is fine

The heroine of Semyon Slepakov’s song “Lyuba, YouTube star”, having performed a number of spectacular actions at a corporate party, settled beyond the Arctic Circle out of shame. But is it worth avoiding communication with colleagues after hitting the salad in the face? And how do you conduct yourself at a corporate party? Here’s what he thinks about it psychologist Svetlana Boyarinova:

“A lot depends on how the person feels about the situation. If he believes that he has committed a mortal sin, then others will exaggerate his guilt. If he treats easily, they say, “it happens to everyone”, then others will not make drama out of your performance.

Therefore, after a holiday where something went wrong, it is important to say to yourself: nothing terrible happened, especially since others were drunk, it is quite possible that they are also tormented by pangs of conscience. Recognize yourself as a living person – with the right to make a mistake. If you just danced on the table and fell asleep under the Christmas tree, you can laugh at yourself together with everyone – there is nothing wrong with that, and sometimes it is useful. If you have seduced someone else’s husband (or wife), remember that the “demon has beguiled” not only you, but also another person – he is also responsible. Do not try to shoulder the entire burden of guilt. If the jamb is more serious, for example, you said nasty things to someone, then it would be good to apologize in person. Call the person aside so that the explanation does not take place in front of everyone – and talk. Ask: “How can I compensate for my oversight?” Perhaps you can come to an agreement. But even if you don’t and getting fired is inevitable, an apology is the best strategy. You won’t feel like you haven’t tried to fix the situation.

And if you just run away – on vacation, in a panic – everyone will exaggerate your joint. “So something is wrong with him if he hid out of shame.”

Advice from the author

Turn on Hemingway

In general, for a drinking person, a very useful thing is the rules. Sergei Yesenin, for example, did not write poetry when drunk. Ernest Hemingway had a rule: write drunk, edit sober. Before going into a demonic state, the author of these lines personally speaks to herself, which in no case should be done. For example, not to climb on the table (it happened) and not to dance a striptease there (it also happened), but when you felt the need to sit on your boss’s knees and take off his glasses, urgently call a taxi home.


It’s dangerous to come first

Unfortunately, there are no statistics on the consequences of corporate events (and maybe it’s good that they don’t). One thing is known: the problem exists in many countries.

— At corporate parties, there is nothing more important than self-discipline! – broadcasts German psychologist, Dr. Boris Liffers. And gives some advice:

✓ Don’t be the first to arrive at a party and the last to leave. Less risk of breaking.

✓ Do not remember old industrial grievances, it is better not to talk about working on a drunk head at all.

✓ Do not burden others with your personal problems, so as not to regret your revelations.

Well, it will be necessary to invite this smart doctor to the next corporate party. Let’s look at his tenacity and integrity…


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