How to Become the Perfect Lover: Tips & Videos

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Every woman dreams that her chosen one was not only a successful person, but also an ideal lover. According to polls, very few women believe that they can meet just such a man.

In their opinion, someone who is ideal in bed will not become a good family man and a reliable life companion. However, all women want love and affection. And if you can’t lure your beloved boyfriend down the aisle, your relationship with him will leave unforgettable memories.

So what do you need to do to acquire this flattering status?

Perfect lover

Every lady is pleased to meet a well-groomed, neat man who does not have a bad breath. You need to take care of your teeth, shower regularly and wear clean clothes. This rule is very commonplace, but non-compliance with it can kill the ideal relationship at the root.

Equip your home properly

Obviously, an adult man must have his own living space so that he can invite a lady to his place any day. Do not make a mess in the apartment, even if you are single and you are so comfortable. In the bedroom, you need to put a comfortable double bed and create a romantic atmosphere. The guest should feel comfortable in your home.

Don’t brag about your skills and past accomplishments.

The ideal lover needs no publicity. It’s better to prove your talents in practice than to talk a lot about it. On dates with a girl, do not engage in narcissism, do not savor your victories over the fair sex.

No lady will like it if her companion looks like Casanova, who colorfully talks about his ex, going into intimate details.

How to Become the Perfect Lover: Tips & Videos

Don’t forget about a good kiss and skillful foreplay

Foreplay, the ability to kiss well and feel her desires are important for women. Master all of the kissing techniques, but only use the ones your lady likes.

Often, girls are embarrassed to say directly what they like and what they don’t. In this case, you need to feel it physically. Observe which caresses the woman responds with passion, and which she tries to avoid.

Take your time during intimacy

Spontaneity and haste in sexual intercourse is terrible. Do not try to quickly complete everything in order to satisfy your need. Take an interest in your partner’s well-being, give her attention and affection both before and after sexual intercourse. A good lover tries to create the most comfortable conditions for a woman in bed.

Do not impose your experiments

If you want to try something new in your intimate life, then your partner must agree to this. Approach this issue delicately, do not demand momentary approval from her. Remember that you must please your partner first, and then yourself.

Be gentle and caring not only in bed, but also in life.

Representatives of the weaker sex value nobility and courage in men, and not rudeness and rudeness. It is unacceptable for a good lover to raise a voice at a lady, bombard her with reproaches and criticism.

Do not call her in the middle of the night if you are not sure that she is awake at this time. Be sensitive to the girl, take an interest in her mood, give her beautiful compliments. Don’t let other men hurt her and be polite yourself!

Don’t forget about romance!

Most girls are looking for lovers not only for love, but also for warmth and romance. Give flowers to your darling, make cute gifts and surprises. Remember that life’s routine is enough for her without you, and you are her fabulous island in the middle of the stormy sea of ​​life. Have a romantic candlelit dinner at home.

Men are made to protect, conquer and enchant women. Anyone can become a cool lover, the main thing is the desire to learn and improve. And happy are those women whose husband is the ideal lover!

Learn more in this video: How to Become the Perfect Lover

5 signs that a man is a super lover

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