The beloved has let go of his stomach, and the fire of your feelings has a chance to go out under the weight of his excess weight and flabby muscles? Is he adhered to the sofa and does not come off the TV in the evenings? Turn his TV viewing to your advantage!
Handsome Al, the hero of the comedy series “The Island”, whose second season is in full swing on TNT, is a worthy example to follow. This Apollo, to put it mildly, does not shine with pronounced intelligence, but his figure is in complete order! Do not hesitate, looking at the screen, to admire this luxurious texture aloud to awaken healthy jealousy in the faithful. Let him, too, take a closer look and decide that he wants to delight you just like this harmoniously built movie hero.
By the way, the actor Kirill Melikhov, who played the role of Al, did not get such a figure as winning the lottery. Such physical perfection requires a lot of work, patience and self-restraint. Which ones, Kirill himself shared with
“Movement is not only life, but also the basis of good physical shape,” says the performer of the role of the handsome Eldar. – I have been friends with sports since childhood, went in for swimming, triathlon, kudo. Now he focuses on fitness programs, running and swimming. I spend two hours in the gym three or four times a week. My usual load is an hour and a half resistance training session and another half hour of cardio. Well, plus half an hour for a bath or a jacuzzi after each workout – you have to get high!
In addition, in order to be in shape, it is important to adhere to certain dietary rules. First of all, this concerns the use of carbohydrates. I eat their entire daily allowance, if I may say so, before 16:00. The evening meal consists exclusively of proteins and a little fat to lubricate the joints. For example, I can fry a piece of meat and eat it even before going to bed, as long as there is no side dish. By the way, I do not include fresh vegetables (cucumbers, tomatoes), which contain mainly fiber, as side dishes.
I have a wary attitude towards fruits, since in their mass they are fast, that is, easily digestible carbohydrates. For example, oranges and tangerines, which are not devoid of benefits, actively stimulate the production of insulin, due to which all the carbohydrates they contain are deposited in fats. Bananas, grapes, coconut provide the same effect. You cannot eat red apples at all, if you are on a diet, preference should be given to green ones. I prefer fruits that, in addition to their benefits, do not threaten to be overweight. That is, those that contain L-carnitine, which breaks down fats and converts them into energy. These fruits include pineapples, kiwi, grapefruit, lemons. True, they cannot be eaten in large quantities, since they burn the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract.
Of course, these are general recommendations, but each of us is different. Some people learn one thing better, others – another. Therefore, it is desirable that a specialist help determine the power supply system. Enough movement, moderate proper nutrition – and your figure will be all right. “
Watch the second season of the comedy series “The Island” from Monday to Thursday at 20:00 on TNT