How to become happy? 5 movie tips

In March, the hooligan comedy “Between Us Girls” is released, in which the master of the “female theme” in cinema, Christina Comenchini, shares the secrets of female happiness. Together with the audience, the heroines learn to live in harmony with themselves, men and the world. Here are a few rules they suggest following.

1. Make friends with people who are not like you.

The main characters, Lucia and Maria, are so different that they cannot live without each other: Lucia is a typical representative of a strong and independent woman who has long given up on her personal life, and Maria is always in an active search and does not see anything wrong with waking up in bed with a stranger. Friendship with its opposite is mutually enriching. And even if a friendly conversation sometimes turns into a way out of the comfort zone, for happiness you need to expand it.

2. Do not invent barriers for yourself

Both heroines have an experience of unhappy relationships, they are divorced, Maria has two children, those around her look with sympathy. Many would have fallen into despondency, but not girlfriends: the burden of the past does not prevent them from enjoying life in the present. Think of experiences as whims of the mind – as soon as you feel like reflecting on the past or afraid of the future, say to yourself: “Well, dear mind, do you have nothing to do at all? Okay, let’s get sad. But only 5 minutes, then we have other things to do.”

3. Learn to relax

It is useful for everyone to master a couple of methods of express meditation so that at a crucial moment there is no dialogue, like Lucia’s: “Touch me like last time …” – “Maybe I’ll tidy up your room?” You can train relaxation even in public transport, keeping the “sun” in the solar plexus, or at lunch, concentrating on the taste of food. Find the way that works for you.

4. Play with your style

When Lucia falls in love, her style changes: she lets her hair down, puts on red, and in the club she sings not about a broken heart, but about love. This is a secret for all time: even if you don’t feel happy, loved, harmonious, self-confident yet, behave as if you already are. How do you think happy people start their day, dress, say? Try on this image, feel comfortable in it and you will not notice how you start to wake up with a smile.

5. Listen to your heart

When Lucia blossoms in a new relationship, Maria gives her perhaps the best advice: “I don’t know who he is, but don’t miss him, because you’re good with him.” For the first time, Lucia understands that the main thing is not conventions, past experience, the opinions of others, but only what the heart says. If it tells you that this person, job, house, dress is finally truly yours, then the rest can wait. Everyone has their own happiness, so no one can make a person happy, except for himself.

“Between Us Girls” opens March 15. Festive previews will take place on International Women’s Day, March 8. You can buy tickets at Online.

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