How to become a vegetarian in seven days

Hello! We are glad that you have decided to join the ranks of vegetarians. Being a vegetarian means enjoying meat-free food while improving your health and helping to make the world a better place. You will definitely feel the positive effects of a vegetarian diet and your life will improve both physically and psychologically within a short time after your decision. Every day for the next week, you will receive an email that will answer some of the most common questions that people who are transitioning to a vegetarian diet have. In addition, we will send you some interesting facts and additional information, as well as daily tasks. Do your best to keep your exercises regular. This will allow you to actively participate in the vegetarian movement. Don’t worry – it’s easy!   This is the most important question you should ask yourself before trying to become a vegetarian. Knowing the exact reasons that motivate you will help you avoid the temptation to eat meat again. Take a look at the following list of the most common reasons why people become vegetarians and check off the ones that motivate you. One of the most tangible effects of switching to a vegetarian diet is improved health. Ongoing research shows that vegetarians are healthier than their omnivorous peers. Clinical studies conducted in 2006 confirmed that vegetarians or people who limit themselves to meat consumption are 11% less likely to be obese, and a vegetarian diet leads to a sharp reduction in the risk of morbidity, including diseases such as heart disease, cancer and diabetes. Obviously, vegetarians are much healthier. According to the UN FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization), 18% of the world’s greenhouse gas production comes from the meat industry. Meat production is inherently unproductive. The bottom line is that it takes 1 vegetable calories to produce 10 calorie of meat. From an economic point of view, such production is not efficient. Factor in the costs of transport, housing, meat waste and water pollution, and you have one of the dirtiest industries, literally. The FAO also said that meat production is the main cause of deforestation in Latin America, not the increase in soybean crops, according to other sources. As the world gets richer, so does the demand for meat. By becoming a vegetarian, you will skip the “middle link” and start getting calories directly. Literally billions of animals are killed every year to satisfy the human meat habit, and most of them were raised in inhumane conditions. The animal is considered as a unit of production, and not as a living being with its own desires, needs and ability to experience pain. Animals grow up in very harsh conditions, they are injected with unnatural amounts of hormones and antibiotics, and they die a painful death. All of the above causes many people to give up the habit of eating meat. By becoming a vegetarian, you stop being involved in the development of the meat industry. 72% of grain produced in the US is fed to livestock. In fact, with the right distribution, we could end world hunger. Take a piece of paper and write down the reasons that motivate you to become a vegetarian. What specifically concerns you? Are you worried about your health? The world as a whole? Or is it a combination of several reasons? Next, do a little research on the issues that concern you the most. To do this, read a few articles on VegOnline, as well as use the materials through Google. You are sure to find interesting points and arguments that will help you to more deeply consider the issues that concern you. After that, answer the question again: why do you want to become a vegetarian. Have a nice day! So let’s get down to business! After you have sat down and thought about why you want to become a vegetarian, you need to decide what type of vegetarianism you want to choose. There are several types of vegetarianism. Among them there is no “more correct” or “less correct” vegetarianism – they are just different approaches. Each type of vegetarianism has its own food restrictions. And you have to think and decide what type of food suits you best. Perhaps you are already familiar with the lacto-vegetarian type of nutrition: the rejection of all meat products, but with the use of milk and all its derivatives. A lot of people follow this type of vegetarianism – it suits their political and ethical beliefs and allows them to get a variety of nutrients without too much difficulty. Eggs are eaten along with milk and dairy products. (he’s a semi-vegetarian). A Flexitarian is someone who occasionally eats meat but goes to great lengths to give it up for good. Many people remain flexitaria for quite a long period of time until they become lacto-vegetarians for political reasons. Mostly people eat meat for social reasons: for example, you may be invited to dinner without knowing that you are a vegetarian or your friends and parents will worry about your nutrition and try to “feed” you. It might be easier for you at first. – these are people who do not eat any meat products, but have not given up fish, eggs and dairy products. do not eat meat products, fish, eggs and dairy products. Some also refrain from eating honey and refined sugar, but this is more of a personal taste preference. Vegans also avoid wearing clothing that is a by-product of the meat industry: leather and furs. There is a whole line of such ethical clothing that is free from the products of animal slaughter. They sell everything from soy candles and vegan food to clothes and shoes. So, if you choose this path, then you are in good company! do not process food at temperatures over 115 degrees Fahrenheit (or 48 degrees Celsius). They believe that at high temperatures, food loses most of its nutritional properties. Raw foodists eat vegetables, fruits, a variety of legumes, nuts, and whole grains. This type of food involves a careful approach to the selection of food. Consider carefully the above types of vegetarianism. Revisit the motivations that drive you to become a vegetarian: medical, environmental, political, and ethical. And decide what type of vegetarianism is closest to you. Are you going to become a vegetarian for ethical reasons in the first place? If yes, then the vegan style of eating is most close to you. But following veganism, you must seriously review your diet and calculate it in such a way that you are sure of its usefulness. For most people, you will most likely end up becoming a lacto-vegetarian. Switching to lacto-vegetarianism is relatively easy and won’t bring too much change in your life. For this reason, we will write to you about the development of lacto-vegetarianism. But if you have chosen a different type of vegetarianism for yourself (veganism or cheesemaking), then all of our tips can be easily adapted to your chosen path. Good luck! Good afternoon! Until today, we have considered the general issues of vegetarianism. It’s time to move from theory to practice: This will help make the transition to vegetarianism smoother and adapt faster. If you were planning on having a steak for lunch, try replacing it with legumes, whole grains, and vegetables. Some people have no problem removing meat from their daily diet. If your craving for meat is very strong, then try to replace it with artificial meat: now on sale you can find a lot of different products that will help you adapt faster. Do not worry! You have four more days before you take the next step in your life and become a vegetarian. If you are still worried that you will not have enough strength to refuse meat, then we will give you some advice. Think about environmental, ethical, political motivation, or your health. It is an endless source of inspiration for affirming the path of vegetarianism. There are plenty of vegetarian options out there that capture the taste and texture of real meat: a variety of veggie sausages, soy meat substitutes, all of which will help you cut meat in the first place. Getting new life experience is always easier and more interesting in the company of like-minded people who can support you, share their experience with you, suggest simple and delicious recipes for vegetarian cuisine. An interesting way to stop eating meat is to plan a “farewell” dinner. Choose the closest of the evenings, invite your friends to your last meat supper. You can cook any meat, but also do not forget about vegetarian dishes. Your vegetarian friends will be pleased to see specially prepared dishes on the table for them. It is important to understand that a certain life stage has ended and new perspectives are opening up for you. After the “farewell” dinner, try not to eat meat anymore, but if you are still having a hard time, then just reduce the meat intake to once a day. Take real steps in this direction and in just four days you will become a vegetarian! Hello! We hope you are doing well in your efforts to become a vegetarian! Now you have already become an active vegetarian, minimizing the consumption of meat, no more than one serving per day. And we also recommend that you plan a day to finally give up meat. Now that you’re eating less meat, don’t let yourself hesitate! Rest assured that a vegetarian diet is much healthier than “traditional” diets. USDA confirms this: However, there are a number of health related issues that need to be clarified. According to statistics, vegetarians and vegans have the same percentage of iron deficiency in the body as their omnivorous counterparts. A balanced plant-based diet, with a wide variety of foods, will help you avoid this situation. In fact, the human body easily absorbs iron from plant foods in the amount we need. But if you still care a lot about this issue, then we recommend that you introduce iron-rich foods such as tofu, spinach, chard, thyme, green beans, Brussels sprouts, buckwheat into your menu. At first, zinc supplements can be a good help for those who come to a vegetarian diet. Your daily requirement for zinc is approximately 15 to 20 mg. Once you regulate your diet, the need for additional zinc will disappear by itself. If you feel confident about becoming a vegetarian, then the problem of zinc deficiency in the body should not scare you. The daily intake of zinc is easily assimilated by the body from natural foods. And, of course, food is preferable to supplements. These foods include: lentils, tofu, tempeh, milk, yogurt, cashews, pumpkin seeds. two of the three omega-3 fatty acids are readily available in a vegetarian diet – ALA and EPA. With the third – DHA – things are a little more complicated – people get the lion’s share of omega-3 from fish. The consequences of a DHA deficiency are not yet fully understood, but if you are concerned about this problem, then include more variety of algae in your menu. Seaweed is a natural source of omega-3s. Just to get the daily rate of this important acid, you only need to eat three walnuts. Traditionally, B-12 is found mainly in animal products. Liver, kidneys, dairy products, eggs – have relatively high levels of B-12. In fact, neither animals nor plants are able to synthesize B-12 – this vitamin is synthesized almost entirely by microorganisms: bacteria, actinomycetes and blue-green algae. We recommend that you include in your diet such foods as green leafy plants, sprouted grains, brewer’s yeast, nuts. All of the above questions should not scare you. By switching to a vegetarian diet, you, on the contrary, expand and enrich your diet, which will positively affect your health. Start telling your friends and family about your decision to become a vegetarian. This should be done in order to avoid awkward situations and conflicts at the dinner table: people will already know that you do not eat meat. If possible, convey this information not aggressively – just inform. If your friends are interested, then tell us why you became a vegetarian. Good luck! Have a good day! Yesterday we talked to you about some of the health problems that can arise when switching to a vegetarian diet. We assure you that with a well-balanced diet, these problems should not arise. On the contrary, your health will only improve. Today we will tell you how easy and fast to cook vegetarian dishes. How to build the process of preparing tasty and healthy food so that it fits well into your everyday business schedule. Most of the dishes on our table are usually semi-finished products. We are too busy with work, family, socializing to really care about healthy eating. Too often we use such products, it’s convenient. Semi-finished products give a quick boost of energy, but in the end, after eating such food, feelings of fatigue and lethargy appear. Prepare soup, lasagna, pasta, grains or beans ahead of time. Pack them in a jar or thermal container and take them with you to work. It won’t take you much time. Make sure your meals contain a sufficient variety of vegetables. The more varied the better! Keep a small supply of the foods you need at home: fresh vegetables and fruits, various grains and legumes, and perhaps some frozen vegetables to reserve. By keeping everything you need close at hand, you will spend less time preparing food. By doing this, you will save a lot of time and money. The more you cook for yourself, the more accurately you will know what foods make up your diet. Make a list of the products you need. It can be a variety of vegetables and fruits, grains and legumes, as well as some artificial meat. Take this list and buy everything you need. Stock up on groceries! So, now you are already eating less meat – this is very good! Your family and friends know about your decision. Maybe you have already arranged a farewell dinner with meat. All this makes us happy! Thanks to such steps, the world around us becomes a better and fairer place. Tomorrow we’ll talk about some of the hidden non-vegetarian foods you may come across. Good luck to you! иветствуем Вас! There are only two days left and you will become a real vegetarian! Perhaps you have already completely abandoned meat or simply limited its consumption. In any case, you are actively moving towards your goal – to become a vegetarian and have already done a lot for this! Today we will talk about animal products that may be present in vegetarian products. You need to know about them, because there are different types of vegetarianism: some vegetarians are strict about the selection of food, trying to exclude any additives of non-vegetarian origin, while others simply refuse meat and do not pay attention to various additives in products. is one of the most common animal products that we involuntarily consume. It is used for the coagulation process in the preparation of cheeses. Rennet is made from extracts from the stomachs of calves. If you are a lacto-vegetarian, then try to buy cheeses that do not contain rennet. There is now a large selection of vegetarian cheeses on the market, for example, basically all Tillamook cheeses are vegetarian. obtained from fish, sheep wool and a number of other animal products. Some foods are fortified with D-3. We advise you to check labels to make sure that vitamin D-3 is not present in this product. It’s just pork fat. Unfortunately, many products are prepared with lard or have it in their composition. Check labels to avoid not buying such products! is a substance obtained from the swim bladders of fish. It is used to refine beer and wine that are aged in barrels. Manufacturers are not required to label this component, as very little of it ends up in the final product. If you decide to become a pescotarian, then this question should not bother you. Otherwise, we advise you to simply avoid draft beer. Red wines do not contain fish glue. produced by boiling the skin of animals, their bones and other waste products of the meat industry. Gelatin is tasteless and colorless, making it very difficult to detect in foods. Gelatin is used as a gelling agent and can be found in marshmallows, marmalade and other desserts. Read the labels and take products that include agar-agar, a gelling agent of plant origin. This is a little known fact, but anchovies are often used to flavor various dishes such as sauces, condiments, and various drinks. If this or that dish seems suspicious to you, then do not be shy – ask what is included in its composition. Get ready for your first all-vegetarian day! Tomorrow you should already completely exclude meat from your diet. Prepare yourself psychologically for this important step! Tomorrow you will become a vegetarian and we will discuss with you how you can avoid possible temptations to eat meat in the future. Good luck to you! Welcome to your first all-vegetarian day! Congratulations! You did a great job! Now that you have truly become a vegetarian, it is very important that you stay on track with your chosen path. Here are some tips to help you. if you decide that the type of vegetarianism you have chosen is not suitable for you for any reason. For example, you became a lacto-vegetarian, and then decided that veganism is closer to you. Don’t let this decision be your problem: do your research on veganism, find the right foods, and go! You do not need to spend a lot of time and money preparing healthy meals. Make sure you eat healthy food at least three times a day. Do not forget to add fruits, vegetables, legumes, whole grains to your daily diet – all this will help you improve your health and give you a boost of energy. Take the information that we gave you this week and go!      

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