How to become a punctual person in any circumstances?

Hello, dear readers of Valery Kharlamov’s blog! A punctual person is a person who knows how to properly prioritize, manage and value his time. He respects the boundaries of other people, which is why he tries not to violate them, forcing him to expect himself. He has a high level of self-esteem and he wants to maintain not only relationships with others, but also his reputation. But is it so easy to always be on time? For some people, this is too difficult, so today we will look at ways in which you will become more disciplined.

Brief description of non-punctual personalities

  • You know the saying that trouble never comes alone? So, almost all chronic «latecomers» are procrastinators. In principle, everything converges — they put it off until the last minute, doing completely abstract things, and then in a hurry they begin to pack up, run, rush, and in the end — be late. Read more about procrastination here.
  • They are in constant search of adrenaline in order to “tickle” their nerves at least a little, as boredom and routine plunge them into depression.
  • It is difficult for them to concentrate attention for a long time, as they react to the slightest stimuli and stimuli, and this, as you know, is not always good during the performance of work duties.
  • High level of optimism. Yes, compared to individuals who arrive on time and calculate every minute, “latecomers” hope for a miracle, that, for example, something magical will happen, and they will have time to get from one end of the city to the other in 10 minutes.
  • Some are arrogant, sometimes deliberately late in order to increase their importance. Imaginary. Since, apart from irritation, other sincere feelings do not cause. But such an individual really revels in the thought that a large number of people do not start a meeting without him irreplaceable and important. They make up a small percentage of the rest who arrive later than the appointed time. Which, of course, cannot but rejoice.
  • Non-punctual people have serious problems with self-control, which means they are more prone to various addictions than anyone else, let it be alcoholism, smoking, overeating, gambling and so on.
  • They experience a lot of anxiety, excitement and anxiety, because, basically, they sincerely want to change and stop causing inconvenience. And these experiences cause health problems.


There is a comic typology of personalities that explains the reasons for being late.


How to become a punctual person in any circumstances?

Such a person is simply not able to “pull himself together” and force himself to do something if he has a lot of time left. The acuity of sensations is given to him by the understanding that a catastrophe will happen, just about, very soon, if he does not get together and perform a miracle, giving 100%. He needs this to get rid of boredom, and stability, gradualness scare him.


He tries to effectively distribute every minute of his life, so to speak, «cramming in the unpushed», because he takes great pleasure in the moment when he crosses out another task from his huge to-do list. One minus — he does not know how to realistically assess the amount of time that needs to be spent on performing any task, which is why he “suffers”.


I don’t think there’s much need to explain. The world around, or his own thoughts absorb him so much that he is not only distracted, but downright sometimes “falls out” of reality, completely immersing himself in the cause of his interest.

That is why he usually does not know where his keys are, loses his phone, forgets his umbrellas and shopping bags. So, there is nothing surprising in the fact that he displaces information about the upcoming meeting, remembering and recollecting himself at the very last moment.


He does not like to explain himself, and is used to blaming circumstances, other people, and even natural phenomena. He, so responsible and obligatory, is always interfered with by someone or something, so it is likely that you will not even hear an apology for spending an hour waiting for him to be so innocent.


It seems that he understands that he is already rather tired of his irresponsibility, but he constantly crumbles into apologies, while consistently being late for every meeting. Sometimes he tries to pass himself off as a victim, explaining that he understands his mistakes, but at the same time is unable to cope with them.


A person with a very low level of self-control. His behavior can resemble a big child who wants to do only what he likes, and at the same time not be responsible for his behavior and actions.


How to become a punctual person in any circumstances?

A fighter with the system, for some reason decided that in this way he could show his strength, will and power.

Top methods to improve your discipline

1 Money

What could be a better motivation than the fear of losing your money? Of course, the possibility of their multiplication. Make it a rule that for every minute you will save a certain amount of money in a piggy bank. Over time, this will help you become more structured and disciplined, plus a nice bonus — the accumulated amount that can be spent on a gift for your beloved and punctual.

If this method does not particularly inspire you, I suggest, if you are late for a meeting, whether it be business or friendly, pay for the dinner of the one who had to wait for you. Or just give him a certain amount. A few times, losing money due to irresponsibility — you will become more organized. Yes, and you will gain the glory of a person who knows how to value not only his own, but also someone else’s time.

2. Stereotypes

Revise the prevailing stereotypes, just writing down the main ones on paper and rethinking. If you were forgiven most of the misdeeds when you were little, this does not mean that the world will behave in the same way as your loved ones.

If one day you got to work in 10 minutes, that’s great, especially if it usually takes 25 minutes to get to work, but it’s better to measure the time with a margin that will be more consistent with reality.

3. Consequences

How to become a punctual person in any circumstances?

Write down all the negative consequences and limitations that have arisen as a result of this habit. For example, have you not been promoted at work for a long time? If you pull yourself together and show what you are capable of, perhaps you will be more trusted.

Or with a loved one against this background, constant conflicts? Now you will get along better and live more peacefully. After completing this exercise, imagine yourself in 10 years, still constantly late everywhere. What have you achieved? What do you possess? Are there close and valuable people nearby?

4. Preliminary preparation

You will save a lot of time in the morning for packing if you prepare clothes and dinner in the evening in advance. By the way, you can also take care of breakfast, there are many options when porridge or cereal is poured, for example, with yogurt with fruit, and left to infuse all night. Gather the necessary documents, check the child’s briefcase, etc.

5. Clock change

There is an illusion that if you move the clock forward 10 minutes, a person will arrive everywhere on time. Illusion — because in this case, the person relaxes excessively, so much so that he is even more late, because he thinks that there is plenty of time left, but in fact — it is calculated.

6. Analysis

Try to analyze in what situations you linger more often, perhaps a protective mechanism is triggered for something undesirable, in the form of resistance, why are you unconsciously dragging out time and trying to find an excuse and a reason not to appear at all?

7. Recovery

Choose one day and have a good rest, be lazy, realize your desires. This will help restore energy and strength, as a result of which you will become more efficient and organized.

8. Plan your day

In this case, you will understand how much time and what exactly should be spent. Try at least a week to write out cases in a diary, then this process will go effortlessly, on its own. You will learn about where to start from the article «10 rules for keeping a diary: a step-by-step instruction.»

9. Get yourself a watch

How to become a punctual person in any circumstances?

If you don’t already have them, to constantly keep track of the time. A mobile phone is not suitable for these purposes, since, on the contrary, it can “draw” you into viewing messages, news and other things.

10. Train your intuition

It is not difficult, it just requires engagement and frequent repetitions of exercises. For example, note what time it is and go about your business, after which at some point you will be distracted and think about how many minutes have passed since you looked at your watch? By constantly playing, you will train, and for starters, create such an interesting function as a sense of time.

Believe me, gradually, paying enough attention to this process, you will learn to determine the number of hours that have passed, up to minutes and seconds. This skill will significantly affect your daily life, having such an internal alarm clock, you will be able to “turn on” in time and start getting ready for a meeting, work, and so on. To learn more about intuition, see the article Top 13 Exercises for Developing Extraordinarily Strong Intuition.


And finally, dear readers, if you don’t know how to understand whether it’s time to tighten the boundaries in relation to yourself, become more disciplined and responsible, or you are already a completely conscious person who knows how to keep his word, I recommend taking the test “Are you punctual? «. Take care of yourself and loved ones! And always come on time!

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