How to Become a Femme Fatale: A Practical Guide

A charming seductress who is able to captivate with one wave of her eyelashes — this is what most women dream of being. They want to attract the eye and cut into the memory of men. Coach Alexander Kormon believes that anyone can become a femme fatale, it is enough to follow simple rules.

I suggest you start by asking yourself a few questions that will help you identify your primary goal.

  • Are you looking for the man of your life?
  • Do you want to master female attraction techniques to win the heart of any man or to become more noticeable?
  • Do you want to develop natural charm and become inimitable?

The results of a survey I conducted on a Facebook page (an extremist organization banned in Russia) showed that the majority is driven by a natural desire to find a life partner, a reliable man, with whom a relationship will last longer than one night.

So, you want to have a set of qualities necessary in order to catch a man’s eye and understand if you can please. It is logical that this desire takes on a clear shape if you meet someone who suits you. Most easily seduce those who are indifferent to them. But as soon as a worthy copy appears on the horizon, the ladies are lost: “Does he like me? He doesn’t seem to notice me.»

As a love coach and a representative of the stronger sex, I will allow myself to give advice and explain men’s expectations from a woman who might please. Naturally, any recommendation needs to be «customized», while not being afraid to take the initiative into one’s own hands and not taking a wait-and-see attitude.

Men need femme fatales

Men are always looking for energetic, independent women who radiate the joy of life. They will definitely ask questions about your projects, plans and dreams. And alpha males most often fall in love with an independent woman who shares their life values. The image of a lady who hides behind a strong back has gone out of fashion.

If by your behavior you demonstrate that you appreciate every moment of life, you know how to let go and do not seek to control your partner, then men will flock to your light. Conduct an experiment, observe how people react to your presence in the room. Your image can be both attractive and repulsive. Track what kind of look you have, whether you smile or not, you are attractive or seem inaccessible.

Learn to be natural, smiling, not too serious, and the stronger sex will be drawn to you. They are impressed by women with an intricate inner world, but easy to communicate.

If you are wondering how to become a femme fatale, the answer is simple: fill life with meaning, joy, make it meaningful. You will not notice how damn attractive you will become. If you want to be loved, especially by those you care about, treat yourself with respect. Physical attractiveness is also important, but it is not the main characteristic.

This woman knows how to be at the forefront

Do you want to seduce not only with an attractive appearance? Connect the ability to communicate, conduct a conversation. In moderation, talk about yourself and about what worries or interests you, but first of all about what the interlocutor cares about.

Social status has nothing to do with it. You can be a secretary and skillfully carry on a conversation with a doctor or university professor. It is not necessary to talk about work-related topics. Know how to surprise, catch the attention of the interlocutor, perhaps even slightly shock. Thoughts about “your low social status” are best thrown out of your head right away. Only by respecting yourself, you can build an equal partnership with the chosen one.

The femme fatale is always sociable and socially active

To be able to charm men, you need to learn how to please everyone and everyone, especially other women. Build a resourceful female environment: friends, allies, support groups. These ladies will also be able to introduce you to interesting male representatives.

To develop attractiveness, you must master the art of easily finding a common language with strangers. You need openness, ease of communication, relaxation. Such self-confidence is pleasant to men, causes a positive response. If “he” saw that “she” is full of the joy of life and benevolent, then he will definitely reach out to her.

So, the message that I am sending you: “Be interesting to yourself, know that nature has laid in you all the qualities of a femme fatale. Don’t let them show up. Remember that you are unique and can make any chosen one happy.


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