How to become a charismatic person against the background of 90% of people

Good day to all. Let’s continue the theme of charisma. In the last article, we looked at the very concept of charisma, its types, differences, and several outstanding charismatic leaders. Today we will dwell on the formation of charisma in detail, we will touch upon such issues, after all, how to be a charismatic person.

What skills do we need to develop for this, and which ones to acquire. We’ll start with some general guidelines and finally move on to the basics of charismatic communication. And the first thing without which it makes no sense to continue this article is

Correspondence of image and being

 You will not be able to lead people if your confidence is sham. If your actions are dissonant with your principles and beliefs, this will lead to internal conflict and further emotional burnout. Therefore, if you want to have followers, first of all you need to believe in the ideas that you broadcast and take those actions that will not contradict your views.

Work on your image

Statistics tell us that what the public perceives is XNUMX% how we look, XNUMX% how we talk and only XNUMX% what you say. Of course, if your ideas fail, you will not be able to maintain your status on one appearance. But it is very important to start working on your wardrobe, posture, gait. Remember, a man in a uniform causes us more respect and we have no desire to disobey him. be it a doctor or a law enforcement officer. Formal suits and shirts have a similar, albeit weaker, effect.

Stop being a slave to your principles

How to become a charismatic person against the background of 90% of people

Change your behavior pattern depending on the situation. Be flexible. If you are closed in captivity to your principles, there can be no question of any freedom. Can a leader not be free? The path of development of charisma is thorny, including not only education, a decisive, sometimes forced change in one’s views. Are you ready for such changes? Charismatic people are free inside, this is what we will do with you, free ourselves. Review your principles, what they are tied to. Which ones have origins, who is their true author? No matter how trite it may sound, but live with your head. Think, analyze, be a free person.


Again, we are referring to our body. Start meditating. I’m not talking about the fact that you need to chant a mantra, there are more modern and simpler techniques. Just sit in silence and empty your mind of everything that fills it. It’s quite difficult, thoughts come into my head, but over time this uncontrollable flow will weaken. This exercise helps to relieve stress, take a fresh look at things around you.

More time

 To generate more ideas, you also need to consume more information, but where do you get the time? Everything is simple. Get up an hour earlier than you usually do. Quantitatively, this is an extra fifteen days a year, can you imagine, fifteen days. Qualitatively, information with a fresh mind is perceived many times better.

Be unpredictable

Don’t anticipate your reaction, resist diving into your thinking process. Rodislav Gandapas in his book The Charisma of a Leader writes: he who is forewarned is forearmed. The Charismatic knocks this weapon out of the hands of his followers beforehand. Why do we need it? If our plans are known, they can be influenced. And if you can be influenced, you can be controlled.

Now let’s go over the basics

Sign Language

 Try new roles,as well as phrases, gestures, gait and postures. Watch more interviews of stand-up comedians, speeches by politicians, and other charismatic people. Practice in front of a mirror, copy and imitate, but in the end use only those body movements that you feel comfortable doing and that reinforce your statements. Use broad gestures and a smile, keep your hands open, the sign language is a very endearing component.

Work on your voice

Tonality, timbre of speech is the foundation of successful communication skills of charismatic people. Speak tongue twisters, play with tonality, read in front of a mirror and aloud. There are a lot of interesting and effective exercises on the Internet that will help you clean your voice, improve it, and eventually transform it. Write, are you interested to know what set of exercises I have formed for myself and my friends? Write and I will prepare an article for you on this topic.

Improve your public speaking skill

Do not miss the opportunity to increase your level of competence in this matter. In fact, every day we deal with public speaking at work, at home, in public transport, in company with friends. It’s just that the level and duration of these performances varies from situation to situation. You have a unique opportunity to develop oratory skills for free and hone your skills at home, talking about a movie you recently watched, a book you read, an incident that happened to you recently. Try and experiment.

Below I have put together a few tips for you to help you influence, convince and inspire. But remember that your success directly depends on the environmental friendliness of your motives.


How to become a charismatic person against the background of 90% of people

Even if you’re not the most shy person, the thought of public speaking can terrify you. And here we have several types of fears: ordinary, ordinary fear, jitters, which contributes to the release of adrenaline, adds shine to the eyes, and our performance of energy, which we charge the men, women or children sitting in front of us, depends on the nature of the event. Well, what speaker would refuse such advantages? But there is another kind of fear, in which the production of adrenaline occurs in excessive quantities.

And what should we do in this case?

Tip # 1

And again exercise. For those who are familiar with a large number of my articles. It may seem that I exaggerate the body’s need for sports too much. I will not argue, but I am forming the material for a separate article on the topic of the relationship of cognitive processes with sports. But back to public speaking.

A few sets of squats will quickly relieve tension, or, if this is not possible, vigorously move your jaw fifteen to twenty times. This will ensure the release of norepinephrine, which will lead to a balanced state. Warm up your hands, it will also have a relaxing effect, besides, it will stimulate the work of the speech apparatus. Easier? We move on.

Tip # 2

 Breathe as slowly as possible. Because when you go on stage with excitement, you will begin to chatter, and most likely this will be regarded by the audience as self-doubt. And the thing is that the processes that occur in your body are different from the processes sitting in the hall. In order to equalize your perception of time and the audience sitting in front of you, it is recommended to breathe as measuredly as possible for half an hour — an hour before the performance.

Tip # 3

 Turn on your imagination. Imagine that not the public came to see you, but on the contrary, you are in front of the public. You can go even further and imagine that you have an audience of cute bunnies in front of you. Is it scary to speak in front of them? Let your imagination draw a hall of small furry animals. And if one of the bunnies behaves very badly, he can be threatened with a finger and other bunnies will be disrespectful. Seriously, stressful moments are easier to perceive either through laughter, or through such ridiculous comparisons. If you’re funny, then you’re not scared anymore.

Tip # 4

Remember, any audience, regardless of gender, in relation to the speaker will always be a woman. And how does a man manifest himself in relation to a woman? Gallantly and confidently, sets the pace and manages relationships.How to become a charismatic person against the background of 90% of people

On this I conclude the article, but do not close this topic. Before the next article on developing charisma appears, I recommend using the tools and tips that I wrote about here.

See you soon

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