How to beat the heat without air conditioning
If the summer turned out to be hot, residents of apartments in which there is no air conditioning have to go to various tricks so as not to “cook” within their four walls. “Komsomolskaya Pravda” offers the most effective ways to survive the summer heat

Folk methods to escape the heat without an air conditioner are full of speculation and absolutely wild ways that are harmful to health. “Komsomolskaya Pravda” together with doctor-therapist Olga Ryazanova made a step by step guide on how to cool down.

Step 1. Save yourself at home

If there was an air conditioner, the problem would be solved in two clicks on the remote control. And so you have to improvise to escape the heat. Arrange the cleanup. Wash the floor with cool water and wipe the surfaces from dust. From 11:00 to 17:00 it is better to close the windows. But when the heat subsides, be sure to ventilate. A troublesome option: hang sheets or towels moistened with cold water around the room. Take a shower, but don’t stand under cool water for more than five minutes. Do not wash your hair with ice water.

By the way, doctors oppose the folk way of putting bedding in the freezer and spreading it out for bed. Runny nose, sore throat after such procedures, consider it easy to get off. The genitourinary system is vulnerable.

Step 2. Before going outside

We dress as lightly as possible, be sure to wear a hat. Give preference to things that do not restrict movement. Colors are white or bright. Ideal cotton and linen. Heels and synthetics aside. Women should give up foundation and greasy cream.

Step 3. At work

In the summer, people rush to work to escape the heat under the air conditioner. But let’s imagine that you were unlucky and the authorities saved on a split system. The expert recommends placing a spray bottle nearby and periodically spraying around you. Or buy thermal water in a cosmetic store – it is convenient to carry it in a bag. If you work at a table, you can buy a mini humidifier – 800-1000 rubles. Sometimes they come with tiny fans.

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Step 4. What to eat

To save yourself from the heat without air conditioning, you will have to reconsider the diet. Meat, heavy protein foods are not suitable. The body spends more energy to digest such food. Preference for plant foods: cereals, vegetables, fruits. Cold soups are suitable – okroshka, gazpacho. An extreme way to cool down: eat a spicy dish with pepper or ginger. You will start to sweat without heating the body and the body will cool down. The last advice is strictly contraindicated for people with gastritis and ulcers and anyone who is not ready to expire.оTom.

Step 5. What to drink and what to refuse

Two liters of water, preferably mineral. Be careful with salty medicinal mineral water – it is only after consulting a doctor. If there are no problems with the gastrointestinal tract, then prepare lemonade: a whole fruit per liter of water. You can slightly salt, throw mint. Natural kvass, herbal infusions, fruit and berry compotes with a small amount of sugar. Freshly squeezed juices with celery dilute 1:1.

Tea and coffee remove liquid. Soda, including store-bought kvass with a high sugar content, will not help. Alcohol leads to dehydration.


Three ways to quickly cool down in the heat without air conditioning.

1. Wrap your head with a damp towel. Just do not need to keep it in the freezer before that or soak it in ice water.

2. Carry wet wipes with you. Wipe their forehead, neck, armpits.

3. Rinse your feet with cold water – this will give a feeling of coolness to the whole body. You can put your wrists under the stream of water.

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