How to be grateful and appreciate the good things in life in eight minutes

How to be grateful and appreciate the good things in life in eight minutes

Guided Meditation

Belén Colomina, an expert psychologist in mindfulness, proposes in this guided meditation session several keys to thank and appreciate all the good that life brings us

How to be grateful and appreciate the good things in life in eight minutesPM8:02

There are times when we perceive black and white days, as if they became mechanically and without joy. We wait for something interesting to happen, to motivate us to get out of this state.

However, every moment, thousands of positive things happen for which we could be grateful. From the time we get up until we go to bed, our actions are supported by true miracles of life. We just have to learn to observe positive y train our gratitude.

Did you know that being grateful is one of the greatest virtues of the human being?

Training it has many benefits, among them, you will discover that it increases your resilience, optimism, focuses on Positive emotions and improve your relationships, give them a value. It makes you feel less isolated, more connected to the world, which also brings you greater happiness, inner well-being, and a greater ability to be generous and compassionate.

So one little gesture can change your whole day. I invite you in the meditation today, to practice the gratitude, the power of appreciate and value the good in life.

Happy road.

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