How to be aware of the signals that the body gives, the house in which we live
Guided Meditation
The psychologist Belén Colomina, an expert in mindfulness, explains in this guided meditation session how to pay attention to our body to inhabit it and be more aware of the signals it gives us

Because of our lifestyle, we tend to spend more time in the cabeza, attending to inner thoughts and discourses. Therefore, it is common to have little awareness of what is happening in the rest of the body, so that it is difficult for us to detect muscular tensions when they appear to be able to relax them, and that they do not end in intense pain at the end of the day, for example. Or detect the sensation of hunger or thirst and keep the body well hydrated during the day, or simply be aware of your body posture while you train, so that you can get the most out of each exercise and improve your technique.
This practice of meditation It will help you to recognize more physical sensations, staying present moment by moment, inhabiting the body as if it were a wonderful house.