In general, ambidexterity, just like right-handedness and left-handedness, has been studied very little. However, mastering both hands does make the brain work better. And if you are a musician, then you understand how important the quality work of the left and right hands is. So how do you train your non-dominant hand?
To control your secondary hand, your brain must form new neural connections. This is not a quick or easy process, so you have to put in many hours of practice if you decide to become an ambidexter. The process of developing motor skills will give you a whole new idea of what it’s like to master your limbs as an infant.
Start slowly. Write the capital and small letters of the alphabet, and then you can move on to sentences. Use a notebook (or better – paper) with a thick ruler to make it easier to fit the letters. At first, your writing will look rather deplorable, but you must realize that the process of mastering the hand, which for many years performed only a secondary function, cannot be quick. Stock up on patience.
Watch out for lefties if you’re right handed. Look at how they put their hand while writing, at what angle they hold a pen or pencil, and try to copy their style. But make sure you are comfortable.
Try to write your opinion many times and the most common words like “hello”, “how are you”, “good” and so on. Then feel free to move on to suggestions. Choose one and prescribe it many times over a long period of time. Be prepared for the fact that your fingers and hand will hurt after practice. This is an indicator that you are training the muscles for the first time.
When you master the spelling of certain words and phrases, move on to the next practice. Take the book and open it to the first page. Rewrite a page of text at a time each day. It is not necessary to rewrite the entire book, but regularity is important in practice. After a week, you will already see that you have begun to write better and more accurately.
draw shapes
Try to draw basic geometric shapes such as circle, triangle, square. This will help strengthen your left hand and give you better control over your pen or pencil. When the circles and squares become more or less even, move on to three-dimensional figures, including spheres, parallelograms, and so on. Then color your creations.
Also try drawing straight lines from left to right. This will teach you how to write, and not pull the pen behind you.
Master the mirror spelling of letters
Did you know that Leonardo da Vinci was not just an ambidexter, but he also knew how to write in a mirror? So why not develop these same qualities in yourself? Try to write from right to left and master the mirror spelling of letters. To do this, take a small glass and try to rewrite what is reflected in it. This will force your brain to think at times more active, so you can quickly get tired.
Choose the right handles
Hard and gel pens are best because they require less pressure and force to write, making the learning process more comfortable and the hand less prone to cramps. But use quick-drying ink, otherwise the text will be smeared by your own hand.
Change your habits
Observe yourself and realize that most of the automatic actions you perform with one hand. This habit is deeply ingrained both physically and mentally. If you default to opening doors with your right hand, start opening them with your left.
If you usually step with your right foot, consciously step with your left. Keep working on this until the control of the left side of the body becomes natural and easy.
Perform simple actions with your left hand. Try brushing your teeth, holding a spoon, fork, or even chopsticks, washing dishes, and even typing messages using your other hand. Over time, you will develop this habit.
Tie the dominant hand
The hardest part of the practice is remembering to use the other hand. A good way is to tie your right hand at least while you are at home. It is not necessary to tie all the fingers, it will be enough for you to tie the thumb and index fingers with a thread. On the street, you can put your right hand in your pocket or behind your back.
Strengthen your hand
To make the movements natural and simple, you need to constantly strengthen the muscles of the arm. Take a tennis ball, throw it and catch it. You can also just squeeze it with your left hand to strengthen your fingers.
Play tennis and badminton with your racquet in your other hand. At first, you will be very uncomfortable, but regular practice will bear fruit.
And the most banal, but, as it turns out, difficult action. Take the computer mouse in your left hand and try to type with your left hand. It’s harder than you think!
Remember that in any case, practice is important. If you decide to master your left hand in the same way that you have mastered your right hand all your life, do not forget to train every day.