Becoming a good wife is not difficult: you just need to learn it. You probably already know almost everything. You have been studying this for a long time.
Mom teaches her daughter to cook and do household chores, the daughter learns to be a housewife. Probably, this is the very first skill of a wife: to feed her husband and children, to create comfort in the house, when everything is washed, ironed and tidied up. Does every woman know how to do it? No. A good wife not only knows how, but also loves.
Grandmother called her granddaughter Sunshine, admired her smile, taught her to be caring and enjoy life. This is the wife’s second skill, although many smart men consider this her main quality. A woman is a smile, a woman is joy; how wonderful it is when a woman is filled with light and love, when her voice sounds like a ringing bell. Indeed, it is the wife who first of all adorns the life of the family. How joyful and happy this life will be depends on her mood and mood, on her attentiveness and responsiveness.
The third skill of a wife is the ability to be a friend and helper to her husband. Who taught her this? Maybe dad? Dad believed that his daughter must be smart. To be able to put aside your emotions, turn on your head, think about others and be responsible for your words — these are the qualities of a wife that cause the greatest respect. Men love it when they are interested in their opinion, when they are asked and discuss issues without emotions, calmly and reasonably.
Do not talk for a long time, stop more often and ask: “What do you think?” — The man will be very pleased. He spoke, you do not agree — take your time, think. Repeat what he said, ask if you understood him correctly — this is much better than arguing. Try to agree with what he is still right about — you will succeed, because you are smart yourself and married a smart man. If you respect your husband more, he will respect you more.
A good wife is always an attentive and wise mother. A woman is ready to love her children, no matter what they are, and it is important for a man that his children grow up as worthy people. Who is the first to raise children? First and foremost, though, is my mom. And if a husband sees how you cheerfully and patiently solve all their questions with the children, organize games for them and reconcile them, teach them to do their homework on their own — be sure that a real man will always appreciate it.
Test «I am the Sun»
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The “I am the Sun” test is a convenient way to find out your prospects for family happiness. Only a woman who is a Queen herself will meet her King. And what can you expect? By answering simple questions, you will receive a portrait of a man that you can claim. If you are ready to work on yourself, we will also give you recommendations on what you should pay attention to in order to make your personal life happier. Take the test…
Pictures of family happiness.
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The next quality is a difficult, rare quality, but who said being a good wife is easy? A good wife is a good organizer. First, she knows how to organize herself. She has a plan for the day, and in the evening the main things are done. Moreover, she has thought out not only family affairs, but also everything related to her own affairs — beauty and health. She knows how to organize herself for exercises, and relax during the day (oh, how difficult it can be!), And go to bed on time in the evening. Women who have abandoned themselves for one reason or another, after some time, cease to like themselves, and sometimes even worse — cease to respect themselves. And then life with them becomes very difficult.
How should a woman behave if she cannot negotiate with a man?
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By the way, organizing does not mean doing everything yourself. It means to make sure that all things are done. A family — it doesn’t matter if it consists of two people or more (add more children and relatives here) — this is already a group that needs to be organized. Starting with the one who first goes to the shower, and ending with the one who today goes to the store or cook dinner. And it’s not at all necessary to exhaust yourself with a pile of endless household chores, sometimes it’s easier to ask someone for help. True, for this you need to be able to ask in such a way that it is easy and pleasant for your loved ones to help you, asking cheerfully and affectionately, and also understandably. Ask for what is reasonable and doable. It sounds easy, but do you always choose words and intonations, do you know how to choose the right moment, ask in advance so that the one you ask for help can relax and complete their business?
We rise above: if the husband is the head of the family, then a good wife is a hidden family leader who sets up an atmosphere in the family and sets tasks for her husband, which he must voice and solve like a man. The family is a woman’s business, and it is women’s concern to think through all the main family affairs. The owner of the house has in common with the owner of his business the need to set goals for himself. Perhaps this is the most difficult thing in the profession of «being a good wife»? Organize yourself, knowing that no one will ask. Knowing that once you can oversleep an extra hour, both today and tomorrow. Or don’t recharge. And do not strain too much — no one will immediately notice anything, even you yourself. That is, of course, everything will become noticeable, but later — in 10 years … Probably, this is a small female feat: to do your job every day, even if not everyone notices and appreciates it. But if you do it, if you know how to raise both yourself and your loved ones, they will take you seriously. You will take yourself seriously too.
Show «Best of all».
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Housekeeping, raising children, taking care of husband and elderly parents, gathering friends and relatives, congratulating them with the holidays and remember their birthdays — the hostess of the house has plenty of trouble. The sooner you learn to do all this, the sooner the moment will come when it will become easy for you, and creativity will replace the tedious and difficult monotony. Making pies when you know how to do it well and are proud of your talents is a joy. The same joy as choosing beautiful postcards, having time to write sincere and warm words. Or — to bring comfort at home, rejoicing that you have someone to clean up after, and knowing that helpers will come at your first call.
And admire the most loving husband in the world, whom you yourself have found and — only quietly! Of course, she raised herself. Have you noticed that good wives have better husbands? A good wife brings up not only children, she will also teach her husband to wash his hands and talk calmly, without shouting, even when he wants to solve everything the way men are used to — quickly and by force. A good wife is patient. A good wife knows the magic words: “Yes, dear”, “Of course, dear!”, “As you say, so we will do”; after which the husband stops insisting on his most correct decisions and begins to listen to other smart people. That is, his wise wife. You, beloved and wonderful, the most beautiful in the world!
When you become a good wife, the simplest thing will remain — to find a man who is looking for you. More precisely, choose from the many who want the best husband — the one you can love. Because a good wife is such a rarity that she can afford to choose.
You can all!
Video from Yana Shchastya: interview with professor of psychology N.I. Kozlov
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