How to bathe a newborn baby: how often, at what time, what temperature should the water be

When can I bathe a newborn after the hospital?

WHO recommends the first bath of a newborn at least 24 hours after birth. The infant is born covered with primordial lubrication, or vernix, a mixture of sebum, epidermal exfoliation, and remnants of vellus hair that protects its skin in the womb. Vernix has an antimicrobial effect and helps to maintain the balance of fluid on the skin surface, so it is important not to wash off the film on the first day.

After discharge from the hospital, you can bathe the baby on the same evening – however, if you spent a lot of time on the road, returned late and were tired, you can safely postpone the procedure until the morning.

The umbilical wound of the baby heals within a few days and is not a contraindication for water procedures, so do not be afraid of the bath and clean the baby with wet wipes – this method does not replace a full bath. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask your doctor.

How to bathe a newborn baby?

We figured out when you can bathe a newborn after the hospital – now it is important to understand the algorithm of actions. The rules for bathing newborns are simple, but at first you can reread them before the procedure in order to remember all the details of caring for a baby at home.

When is the best time to bathe a newborn?

There is no clear rule at what time it is better to bathe a newborn baby up to 1 month old. Some prefer to bathe the baby in the morning when he is in a good mood and ready for a new day. Others take it in the evening, before feeding, as warm water relaxes and soothes the baby. If, after bathing, on the contrary, he falls asleep for a long time, transfer water procedures to the morning. The main thing is to teach him to swim at the same time, daytime or evening, to develop a routine. Also, do not properly wash a newborn baby immediately after feeding or when he is hungry.

What to bathe a newborn?

As a rule, bathing a newborn baby for the first time at home is recommended in a bath, it is more convenient and safer. A two-month-old baby can splash in an adult bath, which must be thoroughly washed before each procedure for hygiene reasons. What to bathe in is not so important for the newborn himself, so focus on your comfort.

The most important rule is to follow safety precautions. The child should not be left alone in the bathroom even for a few seconds. While he is in the water, an adult holds him constantly with at least one hand in order to react in case of a sudden movement of the baby. Before bathing, prepare a towel, clean clothes, soap, shampoo, and other necessary items at arm’s length so as not to go for them.

How many degrees should the water be for bathing a baby?

The optimum warmth of water for an infant is around 37°C, according to its body temperature, so that it does not freeze or overheat. Get a water thermometer and don’t rely on folk methods like checking your temperature with your elbow. The technique is much more reliable! Feelings can deceive you by several degrees, and for the delicate skin of a child, such a difference is critical.

Parents are worried about how many degrees of water should be for bathing a newborn, but the temperature in the bathroom itself is no less important. It should be warm and humid here, up to 24 ° C. When you have undressed the baby, immediately immerse him in water so that he does not have time to freeze.

Means for bathing a newborn

According to pediatricians, bathing a newborn baby with plain water is enough. If necessary, you can connect to help special tools that are suitable for babies. They have a delicate composition that takes into account the characteristics of the skin of the crumbs.

You can pay attention to a cleanser that does not contain soap, fragrances. Lipikar Syndet AP+ Lipid-replenishing cream-gel for face and body gently cleanses without stinging eyes and softens the skin.

Instantly softens the skin, eliminates the feeling of tightness immediately after a shower.

Lipikar Sindet ap+ Where can one buy:

At the moment, La Roche-Posay products are not available for purchase in the official online store. You can purchase our products in other channels you know – in pharmacies, other authorized partners and online marketplaces

How often should you bathe a newborn with detergent? No more than 1-2 times a week to keep the hydrolipid mantle of the baby’s skin.

How to properly wash a newborn?

How to properly bathe a newborn baby in a bath to cleanse the delicate skin of impurities?

  1. Prepare a towel, care products, a diaper and clean clothes for the baby, put everything near the bath. Ask the second parent or someone close to insure you the first few times to feel more confident.
  2. Collect water. Before immersing the baby, additionally check the temperature, even if it was checked a couple of minutes ago.
  3. Slowly lower the baby into the bath, starting with the legs. For the first time, act as carefully as possible so that the baby is comfortable and pleasant – this is how you form a positive reaction to bathing.
  4. Check the position of the baby: the head and neck are on your left forearm, with the same hand you support the shoulders. The bath with a slide simplifies the task, in it the child automatically takes the desired position.
  5. Gently rinse your face, head and body with your right hand. Rinse every skin fold and area behind the ears where dirt accumulates. Lastly, clean the perineum, both in the boy and in the girl.

How long can you bathe a baby?

The optimal duration of the first bath is about 5 minutes, then the time can be increased to 10 minutes or more. The duration of water procedures depends on the nature of the baby, but usually at 3 months, children like to splash in the water for 20-30 minutes and have fun with their favorite toys. The kid himself will tell you how long to bathe him: when signs of fatigue appear, it’s time to dry off and sleep!

How often should you bathe a newborn?

The opinion of doctors about the frequency of bathing a newborn varies. Some believe that a bath can be taken every day, others that three baths a week are enough, until the baby crawls, actively collecting dust and bacteria from the floor and other surfaces. Bathing too often dries the skin and disrupts the formation of a natural protective barrier, too little leads to the accumulation of microbes in the skin folds, rashes and irritation. How often to bathe a newborn baby up to a month old, when and at what age to start bathing daily, you decide – watch the baby and his reaction to water procedures.

What to do after swimming?

Now it has become clearer how to bathe a newborn, but what to do next? When you get the baby out of the water, it is important not to let him freeze – to do this, immediately wrap him in a warm towel and take him to the changing table. Do not allow a sharp temperature difference between the bathroom and the bedroom. Gently blot the baby’s entire body, especially the skin folds – do not rub! Put on a cotton cap if your hair is already long to protect your head from hypothermia. Leave the cap on until your hair is dry. You don’t need to wear it for days.

After water procedures, it is necessary to use a special baby oil or moisturizer that is suitable for the delicate skin of an infant. Lipikar Baume AP+M is a triple action lipid replenishing balm for the face and body of infants, children and adults. The texture is quickly absorbed, moisturizes and visibly soothes baby skin, restores the protective barrier.

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