How to baptize chakras

Still, it is amazing how gullible we are sometimes and with what readiness we believe in absolute nonsense. Why?

Not so long ago, while switching TV channels in search of something, on one of the esoteric ones I heard a remarkable phrase expressed by another woman with supernatural powers:

– And now carefully baptize all the chakras.

You see, there are actions that are contradictory in their very essence. For example, it is impossible to xerox the soul. Or, if you approach the problem from the other side, you can try to determine the reasonable limits of human credulity. For example, they give you a train ticket to Buenos Aires. You open the article “Buenos Aires” in Wikipedia – and find out that this city is located on another continent and trains do not go there. Verification takes less than a minute.

It is enough to open articles about baptism and chakras to be convinced of the difference between the operas. Add to this that you can also request the baptism of the chakras – in order to personally assess the level of the rut. However, 10-15 years ago, part of our intelligentsia was even more trusting. Here are a few entries that struck me, thrown into the conversation by the way, for starters, as a matter of course:

– Well, water is information, it remembers everything. Therefore enough…

– Homosexuality is so developed now because there are many Lemurian souls revolving in the world…

– Well, that Hitler was a Jew, you know. More interesting is that…

TV viewers with experience will remember the Reverend Shoku Asahara, who spudded our population by simply swaying from side to side (the Reverend did not speak Russian). His assistants, also, of course, reverends, barely fitting into the cases, hastily explained to you and me the basics of spirituality. Returning to Japan, the monks turned out to be ordinary ideological criminals, in particular, they turned on the gas in the Tokyo subway. However, with the authors of unheard-of new ideas, everything is more or less clear: schizophrenia and fraud in various proportions. More interesting is the demand. Indeed, according to Mayakovsky, if the stars are lit, then someone needs it. In other words, since the TV channel is functioning, it means that there is advertising there. And since there is advertising, then there are ratings. This means that someone is watching what the ad is inserted into. Baptizes chakras. Someone transfers money and unsubscribes apartments to carriers of higher knowledge.

Endless credulity, I think, testifies to endless confusion, the loss of the meaning of life and activity. It is not for nothing that old Soviet films, good and not very good, imbued with the pathos of a common cause, are streaming in shoals on many channels of our same TV. Strange – we are already aware that these great construction projects did not eventually develop into something absolute and final, that the management system was absurd – and lost, no matter how you argue, to a more reasonable capitalist one. That is, on the one hand, we remember that shoes were in short supply. But on the other hand, we are watching with nostalgic tenderness a film about the victorious construction of a shoe factory that will cover half of Europe. Well, in fairness, more often our colossus produced something like cast-iron ingots, and there was no doubt that there were plenty of them. We are characterized by maximalism. Having lost – some earlier, some later – the tablets of the ideological empire, many of us would like to restore everything at once. In this regard, true believers are happy. But, in my opinion, it is quite dangerous to replace faith with trust and get on a train without really understanding the direction – if only you were lucky. There is, however, a reasonable alternative.

It seems to me that meaningfulness can be accumulated gradually, in small portions, tasting many deeds and undertakings, rejecting something, and accepting something, on the contrary. Negotiating with people, clarifying their real needs, seeing in them the possibilities of some own projects or actions. Moreover, there are plenty of funds for self-organization today. I agree – this is a long way, perhaps emphatically everyday. But at least the chakras will not have to be baptized.

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