How to bake whole fish? Recipe with video

How to bake whole fish? Recipe with video

Whole fish is best cooked in the oven, baked in foil, both neat and with a variety of fillings. To prepare a juicy and tasty dish, you need to take into account the characteristics of the meat of specific fish species.

How to bake whole fish? Recipe

How to bake salmon or trout

These varieties of fish are so fatty in themselves that even without stuffing or any other addition they turn out tender and juicy. For roasting, choose carcasses in the range of 1–1,5 kg, as a larger fish will take too long to cook and there is a high probability that it will lose its shape during the cooking process.

Before baking, clean the carcasses, get rid of the entrails, if possible, remove the gills, as the fish can taste bitter from them. Sprinkle the fish inside and outside with salt, sprinkle with lemon juice on top, sprinkle with marjoram herbs, then wrap in foil so that each carcass takes its place in a personal envelope.

Preheat the oven to 180 degrees and put an envelope with fish in it, until it comes to readiness within 40-50 minutes, depending on the weight of the carcass.

River fish, baked whole and especially with a filling, turns out to be no less tasty, but in this case, you should choose those varieties that do not have too small bones. This is the mirror carp.

To prepare a dish, take:

  • 1 carp carp weighing 1 kg
  • 100 g cheese
  • 1 small onion
  • salt and pepper to taste

Peel and gut the fish, salt and pepper both outside and inside. You can cut off the head or bake the whole fish, but in this case, remove the gills. Cut the onion into rings, chop the cheese into cubes. Put the cheese and onions in the belly, and wrap the carcass in foil and place in the preheated oven.

In this recipe, you can use both hard cheese (Russian, Dutch) and processed cheese, which allows you to significantly save

At 180 degrees, the whole fish will cook in the oven for 30 minutes, then unfold the foil so that the top of the fish is exposed, and bake it for another 10 minutes until golden brown.

How to bake whole pink salmon

This variety of red fish is drier than salmon or trout, therefore it needs additional fats.

You will need:

  • 1 salmon carcass per 1 kg
  • 1 bulb
  • grated cheese
  • 250 g sour cream

Peel and rinse the fish before baking it whole. Peel the onion, chop it into chunks and mix the onion with the grated cheese. Lubricate the carcass with sour cream outside and inside, add onion and cheese inside.

Transfer the fish to a baking dish and top with the rest of the sour cream outside. Season with salt and dry fish spices and bake in a hot oven for half an hour.

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