How to avoid the yo-yo effect? Do the fingers fatten? How many meals a day do you need to eat? |

In this article you will learn, among others:

  • How to avoid the yo-yo effect?
  • Are the sticks caloric?
  • How many meals a day should you eat?

Myth: The goal of the diet is to lose weight

Fact: The goal of the diet is not only to lose weight, but also maintaining a new weight . The second of these stages is extremely important. Unfortunately, it is often overlooked and nobody remembers it. The mere loss of weight, which is sometimes the result of restrictive diets or starvation, is the effect that most often persists short time. From the moment of obtaining the planned weight, there is a return to the old eating habits, which results in the yo-yo effect, i.e. gaining kilograms, to a weight even higher than the initial weight. Therefore, the goal of the diet used should be to develop skills healthy eating and choosing meals in such a way that, without a strictly defined diet, you can compose a menu that suits you.

Myth: Snacks do not make you gain weight

Fact: Although it may seem that there are snacks that do not make you gain weight, for example salty sticksthis is not true. It turns out that even this product is caloric. 100 g of salty sticks contain 380 calories, which is only about 100 kcal less than in donut. However, it is worth considering when and why we reach for snacks. It is very often a way of coping with stress, and not the desire to eat food resulting from a feeling of hunger. In this case, it is worth looking for alternative methods of dealing with the perceived tension. Eating snacks in the sense of regular, small meals is, however, beneficial because it has a positive effect on regulation and secretion of digestive juices. However, remember that these snacks should be healthy – that they should be fruit and vegetables rather than sweets or junk food.

Myth: Skipping certain meals is a good way to lose weight

Fact: Skipping meals, especially breakfast or lunch, which should provide the highest calories, is not beneficial. So significant limiting the amount of daily calories is not a good way to lose weight healthily. Skipping one meal is the same as making long breaks between meals. This causes not only depriving the body of the chance to provide it with the necessary for healthy functioning nutrients, but also leads to the fact that our metabolism changes – because the body, “fear” of losing food, starts store the food provided. In addition, skipping meals increases hunger, and thus – eating larger portions with the next meal. The key is to bear in mind that it is more advantageous to provide smaller portions of meals more often than less often larger ones – it is healthier, does not cause weight gain, and helps to normalize the metabolism. Meals that can be skipped without harming our health are of course desserts and other types of sweets. It is worth replacing them with healthy ones raw vegetables.

And what do you know about weight loss myths? What methods of losing weight have worked for you? Let me know in the comments!

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