How to avoid sports injuries – universal rules

A few tips for beginners on how to ensure full-fledged effective workouts and reduce the risk of sports injuries with the help of simple preventive measures.

For most people, sports and a variety of physical activities are the most effective way to keep fit and a great start on the path to a healthy lifestyle. However, there is always a risk of injury during group or solo workouts.

Among the common sports activities, the most traumatic:

  • football;
  • basketball;
  • hockey;
  • rugby;
  • a ride on the bicycle;
  • power training;
  • run;
  • skiing, skating, skateboarding.

The most common causes of injury are:

  • incorrect or insufficient preparation of the athlete;
  • use of inappropriate equipment;
  • feeling unwell during classes;
  • neglecting warm-up or stretching exercises before the main workout.

Although it is impossible to completely avoid physical injury while playing sports, preventive measures can significantly reduce this risk. Here are some tips to help you get the most out of your workout while preventing sports injuries.

If you have been diagnosed with chronic and cardiovascular diseases, but you decide to go in for sports, first undergo an examination or consultation with a doctor. This recommendation also applies to persons over 45 years of age. Never rush your strength training and complete the full range of motion on each rep. See also: How to create a training program?

Rule 1 – Don’t force training

To achieve a specific result – for example, lifting a certain weight – approach gradually. Set realistic goals for yourself by properly assessing your fitness level. Knowing your limits means you’re less likely to get a sports injury. Trying to do too much when your body is not yet prepared for it also increases the risk of overuse injury.

Rule 2 – Think about the variety of sports activities

Cross-training and playing different sports minimizes the risk of injury from overuse. Develop a fitness plan that includes cardio, strength training, and flexibility exercises. Learn the correct technique for each new exercise and follow it carefully.

Rule 3 – Do not neglect the warm-up and cool-down

Properly performed warm-up is essential for the correct execution of the main part of the workout. Stretching exercises improve the muscles’ ability to contract and work, reducing the risk of injury. Begin each stretch slowly until you reach the point of muscle tension. In this case, you should not experience pain. A gentle cool-down reduces the feeling of tension in the muscles after a workout. Typically, classes are completed with several low-intensity exercises and stretches.

Rule 4 – Don’t forget to rest

It is necessary to observe pauses between training, games and other sports activities. Muscle fatigue and fatigue increase the likelihood of injury. To take a break from intense exercise, plan at least one day a week and one month a year.

Rule 5 – Take care of the water balance

Keep drinking before, during and after your workout. This contributes to greater elasticity of the ligaments and muscles, prevents dehydration and overheating of the body. In addition, the lack of moisture in the tissues of muscles and organs adversely affects performance. When training for endurance, it is advisable to drink about 600 ml of fluid per hour, and this drink should contain sugar and electrolytes.

Rule 6 – Use the right equipment

Workout clothing should maintain optimal thermal balance: pay attention to the hygroscopicity and breathability of the material from which the sports suit is made. Choose according to your height and body type. Shoes are essential to absorb the impact of movement as well as provide adequate ankle and foot support.

This is especially important in sports where knee and ankle injuries are common. Depending on the type of training you do, a good injury prevention is the use of protective equipment: helmets, shields, goggles, dental guards, knee pads, elbow pads, gloves.

In most cases, mild to moderate sports injuries respond well to home treatment. Seek professional medical attention if self-care measures do not improve after 2-3 days. Before you return to your previous training regimen, make sure that you have undergone adequate rehabilitation. Also Read: How To Avoid Running Injuries?

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