How to Avoid Premature Death? Pay attention to that one thing

Each year in the United States, approximately 900 die prematurely. citizens. Almost half of them could be saved if they made even one simple change in their lives. And so they did not give themselves a chance to help. Find out what to do to avoid premature death. Even the introduction of one of the following rules will reduce the risk of premature death.

  1. Young people aged 15-24 and people genetically burdened with serious diseases, such as oncological diseases or diabetes, are primarily at risk of premature death.
  2. In order to avoid premature death, it is worth changing your lifestyle and risky behavior. Changing eating habits, regular screening, and reducing alcohol and stress can work wonders
  3. According to the latest data of the Central Statistical Office, life expectancy in Poland decreased to approx. 2020 years in 77.
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According to a study published a few years ago by the Lancet, people aged 15 to 24 are most at risk of premature death. Young men aged 15-24 are two to three times more likely to die prematurely than boys aged 1-4 enumerates the “Lancet”. Premature death also threatens overweight, stressed and genetically predisposed people the possibility of developing serious diseases. However, life expectancy depends not only on biology but also on lifestyle and behavior.

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Therefore, it is worth considering making a few simple changes to your life to minimize the risk of premature, unwanted death.

You are what you eat

A balanced diet is important to maintain a healthy weight and reduce the risk of chronic disease. People who consume mainly fruits, vegetables and healthy proteins and stay hydrated with clean water live longer. In addition, maintaining a healthy body weight through diet and exercise improves condition and mood.

Family history

Contrary to appearances, knowing what the immediate relatives suffered and died from can be very helpful. Information on this subject will allow to determine whether and in what direction, if any, preventive examinations should be performed. This is especially true of diseases such as cardiovascular disease, cancer and stroke. If strokes are a problem in your family, you can work with your doctor in advance to manage high blood pressure.

Watch out for stress

Stress is a factor that can motivate you to work more efficiently and make the right decisions in less time. However, permanent work in such conditions can ruin your health. Stress affects the heart, digestive and endocrine systems, disrupts our sleep cycle, and prevents the body from returning to homeostasis. This leads to the development of heart disease, diabetes and autoimmune disorders.

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Limit your alcohol

Drinking alcohol carries the risk of many harmful physical, mental and social consequences. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), alcohol affects more than 200 types of disease. It ranks third among health risk factors. Alcohol abuse shortens life by an average of 16 years. Most alcohol-related deaths are due to liver and heart disease and stroke.

Get tested regularly

Screening tests, such as mammography, colonoscopy, and ultrasound, detect internal abnormalities that may not yet cause any physical symptoms. This gives the doctor time to implement treatment before the disease is advanced. Dental checks also play a very important role. Oral health can be a sign of other health problems in your body.

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