How to avoid cancer? Six Fundamental Principles. It could save your life

Early diagnosis is one of the basic ways to protect yourself against cancer. A healthy lifestyle can reduce the risk of cancer, but it does not completely eliminate it. That is why careful observation of our body, regular examinations and compliance with the doctor’s recommendations can save our lives when neoplastic changes develop in our body imperceptibly. Here are six best practices that can save your life.

  1. Cancers can be fatal if not detected early enough
  2. All disturbing symptoms should be consulted with a doctor
  3. Regular screening and prophylaxis are methods that facilitate the rapid detection of neoplastic diseases
  4. You can find more such stories on the TvoiLokony home page

How not to get cancer – monitor your body

Each of us knows our body perfectly and notices when something is different from the norm. This is not always enough to recognize health problems, but it can be a significant signal for us to see a doctor. In the case of oncological problems, observing our body is especially important. It is worth checking the skin regularly for birthmarks, as well as looking for unusual lumps or nodules. For women, regular breast self-examination is very important. Men should practice testicular self-examination.

Are you at risk of cancer?

There is nothing to wait for – it’s time to get tested. In Medonet Market there are research packages available from the patient:

  1. Oncology e-packet for women
  2. Oncology e-packet for men

Other worrying signs that our body can give are blood in the urine, bloody sputum, dark stools or blood in the stools, abnormal bleeding, frequent bruising for any reason, and bleeding outside of your period. Attention should also be paid to night sweats and long-lasting low-grade fever.

How not to get cancer – do not heal yourself with home remedies

The alarming symptoms should not be underestimated or limited to home treatment. If something bothers us, we should see a doctor, even if our fears turn out to be misplaced. Better to react and make sure everything is okay than to ignore the topic and overlook the chance for a quick diagnosis. Cancer is life-threatening, and often the most effective treatment is possible in the early stages of the disease.

Check: Alternative Medicine – They Treat Cancer or Make Water From the Brain? How To Effectively Treat Cancer?

How to avoid cancer – screening for cancer

The most common neoplasms include breast cancer, cervical cancer and colorectal cancer. In order to detect these diseases early, we can use publicly available screening tests – mammography, cytology and colonoscopy, respectively. These tests in the field of cancer prevention are available in Poland under reimbursement from the National Health Fund, so they can be performed free of charge. In case of doubts regarding the indications for individual tests or the need to repeat them, it is best to consult your doctor.

Do you want to have a Pap test privately?

At Medonet Market, you can order a mail-order cytology on the LBC BD SurePath liquid medium.

How not to get cancer – do general examinations once a year

At least once a year, we should take care of more thorough prophylactic examinations, which should include blood count, general urine examination and imaging tests, such as ultrasound of the abdominal cavity, ultrasound of the thyroid gland or ultrasound of the lymph nodes. Every year, paper smokers should also have an X-ray of the lungs – in the case of non-smokers, it is enough to come for an X-ray every two years.


Lung cancer is one of the most common and deadly cancers.

As part of preventive examinations, the patient may opt for the E-packet of prophylactic blood tests from the patient.

How not to get cancer – safe intercourse

Risks associated with sexual contact are most often associated with bacterial, fungal and viral infections. However, one of the sexually transmitted viruses, human papillomavirus (HPV), can lead to the development of cervical and oral cancer. HPV infection can occur not only during classic penetration, but also in the case of anal sex and oral sex. For this reason, all sexually active people should protect themselves appropriately.

  1. Ensure safe intercourse, use condoms (eg Durex Extra Safe or SKYN Original Unimil) and oral masks such as Sheer Glyde Health masks.

Before having sexual intercourse, it is also worth deciding to vaccinate against HPV, which significantly reduces the risk of developing cervical cancer. Remember, however, that even after vaccination, you should have regular Pap smear tests.

Zobacz: HPV in men – how high is the risk? HPV symptoms in men

How not to get cancer – pay attention to the genetic load

We should not forget about the genetic predisposition to cancer. We are at a higher risk of developing cancer if there were cases of cancer in our family, especially in our immediate family, but also several generations ago. Our concerns should be raised, in particular, by neoplastic changes diagnosed in our family in young people. The genetic burden should provide additional motivation for prevention and screening. We can also perform genetic tests that will determine how high the probability of developing cancer of a particular type is in our case.

Zobacz: Genetic testing – what cancers can be predicted?

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