How To Avoid A Hangover? Harmful combination of alcohol and cigarettes

You don’t want to suffer from a hangover? Refrain from combining alcohol with cigarettes. Drinking and smoking at one party is the most common mistake of those who missed the band on the second day.

How To Avoid A Hangover? Either alcohol or cigarettes

For occasional smokers, an event favorable for reaching for a cigarette is usually a party heavily sprinkled with alcohol. However, as toxicologists observe, the combination of two stimulants can cause a large hangover. Why is this happening? Both nicotine and alcohol are neurotoxicand thus they disrupt the functioning of the central nervous system. Additionally, carbon monoxide is released when smoking cigarettes inhibits the process of intracellular respirationwhich makes it more difficult for the body to deal with poisoning.

A prolonged hangover can ruin not only the day after the party, but also the next day. A hangover is a natural consequence of introducing ethanol into the body, which turns into toxic acetaldehyde. If its symptoms are extremely bothersome, we can assume that more than one factor is responsible for malaise.

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A hangover under the microscope of scientists

Scientists from Brown University in Providence proved that our well-being after combining two stimulants becomes much worse than if we limited ourselves to one. Their research was published in the Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs. The team looked at the organisms of 113 students who reported how they felt after drinking and smoking for eight weeks. They found that those who drank and smoked simultaneously had a more frequent hangover the next morning and worse symptoms.

Alcohol and cigarettes – a deadly combination

Combining alcohol and cigarettes can prove deadly in the long run. Two stimulants that strengthen their effect, They increase the risk of cancer by three times, not only the lungs, larynx and liver, but also a dozen others, incl. bladder and large intestine. In addition, they rapidly destroy brain cells – first in the frontal and temporal lobes, then in the rest. And that’s a straightforward path to early dementia, Alzheimer’s, and Parkinson’s disease.

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