Each of us, to one degree or another, thinks about how to make our home better, more comfortable, more beautiful and more comfortable. And almost never there is a thought about how to make him more successful and conducive to our advancement. You may ask: is there a connection between our home and our luck? The answer will be unequivocal: yes! You can see for yourself if you use our recommendations.
It is important for the home, as well as for the individual, to have a sufficient amount of beneficial Qi. So in Chinese metaphysics is called the energy that stands behind everything that exists in this world. “Everything around us is a different manifestation of this constantly moving and changing energy,” say experts in Eastern esoteric teachings. If the house lacks favorable qi, then the people living in it can often get sick and work unproductively, and it will be very difficult to call it lucky. If we feel that the atmosphere in the house creates an upsurge of strength, and people in it live together and work with pleasure, then there is a lot of useful qi here. Therefore, from a feng shui point of view, the first step that will help good luck settle in your home is to attract auspicious qi into it. This is facilitated by various interior items that we can use every day, but do not think about it.
For example:
* Vibrant flowers: fresh cut, potted and even artificial if beautifully crafted and eye-catching.
* Movable objects: “wind chime”, mobiles and others.
* Wind instruments: flutes, pipes, horns and others.
* Devices for air movement: fan, air conditioner, humidifier, fan.
* Specially selected interior colors.
*Lighting. It should give as much light as the sun during the day, but not blind.
The second step that you can take on your own without delving into feng shui is to apply the teachings of the eight aspirations in life. It is based on the Chinese symbol Bagua, which consists of eight sectors, each of which represents one of the eight spheres of life.
To do this, you need to draw a plan of your apartment so that its northern side is at the bottom, and place it in a square, divided inside into 9 equal sectors. Such a square is called a bagua square. Its eight sectors, located at the edges, will represent zones corresponding to various spheres of life, and the central square will be the center itself.
It is good if the plan covers all sectors of the square. If a sector is outside the apartment plan or is not represented enough, a correction is applied. For example, a mirror placed in this sector or on a wall adjacent to it enlarges and strengthens it.
Our apartment plans can have the most bizarre shapes. Therefore, it should be borne in mind that outwardly protruding balconies and storage rooms are not counted as part of the apartment if their dimensions do not exceed one third of the wall to which they are adjacent. When placing the pakua square on the floor plan, such objects should be left outside of it. In this case, it is considered that the protrusion reinforces the sector in which it is located. “Cut off” parts of housing – places where a living space is eaten up by a ventilation pipe or an elevator shaft, on the contrary, are considered flaws that weaken the sector where they are located.
Having studied the relationship of the plan of your apartment with the bagua square, first you need to try to harmonize all its sectors. In addition, it is possible (and necessary) to impose such a breakdown by sectors on each separate room in the apartment and strengthen the insufficient or missing sectors.
Activate significant areas
After you have harmonized all the zones of the apartment, you can activate the sectors of the pakua square that are most significant for the owners, using the support of the elements, talismans and symbolic objects. But keep in mind: you cannot activate all 8 sectors at the same time, you should select several of the most significant ones.
The center is where the energy of your home is focused. Here she is strongest. The center needs to be emphasized. In a large dwelling – apartment, house – the center can be marked by a carpet, a crystal chandelier with shining pendants. The crystal located in this zone scatters qi and promotes an even distribution of energy throughout all parts and areas of the house. In small housing, the center is also marked with a chandelier, but you can use a faceted crystal ball or just draw a red dot on the floor or on the ceiling (where it is more convenient). If the central sector of the apartment is occupied by a wall, hang a bright multicolored, eye-catching picture on it.
North is a career sector. Stimulates stability and slow balanced development, longevity, stability of material wealth. The element is water. Black and dark blue colors, water landscapes, images of fish, moon, stars are favorable here. The talisman is a turtle. This sector is good for the location of the cabinet, workshop, studio.
The South is the sector of glory and self-realization. The element is fire. The mascot is a phoenix bird. All shades of red are favorable here. It is good to place lamps, large red flowers (live or artificial), works of art, candles, certificates of honor and diplomas in this sector. Plants and green are also good in this sector. Here it is possible to arrange a sacred zone, hang images, icons, religious objects. The aquarium is dangerous: it can provoke negative situations.
The West is the sector of children and creativity. Reflects everything that we create and give birth to: children, projects, creativity, music, literature, art, etc. The element is metal. The talisman is a tiger. Colors – white, gray, metallic. Round and oval shapes are appropriate in the interior. Water is undesirable. If this sector is weakened, there may be problems in relations with children, lack of creativity.
East is the family and health sector. Initiates change and growth. The element is wood. The talisman is a dragon. Colors are all shades of blue and green. It is favorable to place fresh flowers, images of trees, bamboo, gourd-pumpkin in this area. There can be a rest room, a bedroom. Care should be taken to activate the East for those who are completely satisfied with the stable and harmonious situation in life.
Northwest – sector of teachers, assistants and travel. Perfect order in this sector will provide the support of powerful people, as well as the highest heavenly protection. This sector influences the well-being, career and strength of the owner. In addition, it shapes the external well-being of the family. This may contain a collection of weapons and trophies. The element is metal. The best talismans are a metal bell, a horseshoe, a single candlestick, images of bell towers, pagodas, domes, images, portraits of patrons, high-ranking well-wishers. Water is undesirable. It is good if this sector has hallways and halls. There you can place amulets and talismans.
Northeast is the sector of wisdom and knowledge. For children, it is associated with learning, for adults – with the wisdom of life, self-improvement, self-knowledge and intuition. Sector element – Earth. The colors are all shades of yellow and brown. The best talismans are crystal and quartz: they generate powerful intellectual energy. It is good to locate a library, archive, workplace, safe in this zone.
Southwest is the sector of love and marriage. Sector influencing relationships in the family and in other areas: sex, colleagues, school friends. The personal life and marriage plans of the daughters are also associated with him. The housewife’s sector affects her condition and position. The element is earth. Crystals, ceramics, cut crystal and quartz enhance this sector. It is also favorable to post here happy family photos, images of bread, housewives, cows and mares, paired objects, figurines and images of dolphins, ducks. Electrical appliances, photos of sick and dead people should not be in this sector.
Southeast is the sector of wealth (material and spiritual). The element is wood. Symbols – money tree, moving water (fountain, aquarium) or its image. Scale is very important – the water should be proportionate to your home so that too much flow does not wash away your well-being. This sector is enhanced by images of fish, electrical appliances, coins.
When using this teaching, it is very important to be clear about the goal that you want to achieve by making some changes in your home, and think about it. Then your chances of getting what you want will increase markedly. If there is no result or you did not get what you thought, it is better to contact a specialist. There may be influences that you have not accounted for, as they are outside the scope of this system. After all, there is no ready-made recipe for every occasion, and every house, every apartment is unique.