How to assign a keyboard shortcut to apply a style in Word

Paragraph and text styles in Word are the starting point for shaping the structure of any created document. When using built-in or custom styles that you create, many people find it easier to use the keyboard to quickly apply styles to document content.

Keyboard shortcuts can be assigned to paragraph and text styles. Assign keyboard shortcuts to the styles you use most often and apply them with a simple keystroke. To get started, open the tab Home (Home) if it is not already open.

How to assign a keyboard shortcut to apply a style in Word

In the lower right corner of the section Styles (Styles) press the call button of the panel of the same name.

How to assign a keyboard shortcut to apply a style in Word

The panel will open Styles (styles). If you hover your mouse over any of the styles, a pop-up window will show the formatting details for that style.

How to assign a keyboard shortcut to apply a style in Word

Click the down arrow to the right of the style name and select Change (Modify).

How to assign a keyboard shortcut to apply a style in Word

In the lower left corner of the dialog box Style change (Modify Style) click the button Framework (Format) and in the menu that opens, select Keyboard shortcut (Shortcut key).

How to assign a keyboard shortcut to apply a style in Word

Click in the input field New keyboard shortcut (Press new shortcut key), then press the combination you would like to assign to this style and press Assign (Assign).

How to assign a keyboard shortcut to apply a style in Word

Note: If the keyboard shortcut you have chosen is already used for another command, Word will report this on the line Current appointment (Currently assigned to). Try a different combination.

How to assign a keyboard shortcut to apply a style in Word

The selected keyboard shortcut will be shown in the field Current combinations (Current keys). Click Close (Close).

How to assign a keyboard shortcut to apply a style in Word

Returning to the dialog box Style change (Modify Style), press OKto close it too.

How to assign a keyboard shortcut to apply a style in Word

To close the panel Styles (Styles), click on Х in its upper right corner.

How to assign a keyboard shortcut to apply a style in Word

Now you can use the assigned keyboard shortcut to apply the selected style wherever you need it.

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