How to arrange Excel 2013 files side by side in different windows

Previous versions of Excel had the ability to open and arrange multiple workbooks next to each other, even though this was done in the parent window. Excel 2013 makes things a lot easier by letting you pin each spreadsheet (opened in a separate window) to the right or left edge of the screen.

Just click and hold the left mouse button on the title bar of the Excel window, and then drag it to the edge of the screen. You will see a circle appear and quickly disappear under the mouse pointer – a signal that the Excel window is attached to the edge.

How to arrange Excel 2013 files side by side in different windows

The document window will take up exactly half of the screen. When you do this with both Excel documents, attaching them to different sides, they will look like this:

How to arrange Excel 2013 files side by side in different windows

The same can be done with the command View Side by Side (Next) tab View (View) in section Window (Window).

How to arrange Excel 2013 files side by side in different windows

Default command View Side by Side (Side by) will open two documents horizontally, one on the top and one on the bottom half of the screen.

How to arrange Excel 2013 files side by side in different windows

To change the location of documents, click Arrange All (Organize All) tab View (View) in section Window (Window).

How to arrange Excel 2013 files side by side in different windows

A dialog box will appear Arrange Windows (window arrangement). Select Vertical (left to right) so that the windows are arranged vertically from left to right.

How to arrange Excel 2013 files side by side in different windows

Team tiled (side by side) will give the same result if there are only two Excel files open. If more than two files are open, the command will arrange some horizontally and some vertically so that they all fit on the screen.

How to arrange Excel 2013 files side by side in different windows

Cascade (cascade) opens Excel documents in a cascade from top left to bottom right so that all window titles are visible.

How to arrange Excel 2013 files side by side in different windows

If you want to view and leaf through documents synchronously, you can enable the option Synchronous Scrolling (Synchronous scrolling) on ​​a tab View (View) in section Window (Window). This will allow you to scroll both books at the same time using the mouse or the scroll bar in one of the windows.

How to arrange Excel 2013 files side by side in different windows

Opening each Excel file in a separate window, just like in Word and PowerPoint, is called Single Document Interface (SDI). This means that each document has its own interface (ribbon, header, etc.), you can move the document window and resize it independently of other open workbooks. Previous versions of Excel used Multiple Document Interface (MDI), in which all files were opened inside one common container, i.e. higher-level Excel windows.

Interface SDI, which is used in Excel 2013, greatly simplifies the task when you need to match two or more documents.

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