How to alleviate symptoms with menopause: Healthy Food Near Me users answer
Hot flashes, tinnitus, fever, dizziness, mood swings, and even insomnia are the main symptoms of menopause. Almost every woman of a certain age faces them, but not everyone knows about effective methods of self-help. Forum women Healthy Food Near Me will tell you how to alleviate the symptoms of menopause.
“What will life be like after menopause?” – this partly rhetorical question sooner or later arises in many women. We assure you: still what! True, sometimes our body needs help, because the symptoms of menopause can be very strong. Constant headaches, insomnia, weakness, hot flashes, increased sweating … All this significantly affects the mood. To help the body overcome menopause and at the same time not lose the taste for life, you should consult a doctor, because only a specialist is able to choose the right therapy. In addition, you can listen to the advice of the Healthy Food Near Me forum users.
Only calm!
In addition to hormone therapy, which can only be prescribed by a physician, women with menopause are advised to carefully monitor their mood and emotions. “I loved taking baths. You can throw in some bombs, you can use lavender essential oil, the main thing is that the water temperature is not very hot, ”one of our readers shared her advice. Indeed, lavender has relaxing properties: it reduces stress levels and sets you in a more positive way.
Flying gait
Moderate physical activity is a panacea for almost any ailment. Climax is no exception. With hormonal changes, the body needs activity: because of this, blood circulation and metabolic processes improve. It is enough to go hiking regularly. “Three times a week I go to the park for at least an hour and listen to classical music. Hot flashes and insomnia are gone, I began to feel younger than at 20! ” – the Healthy Food Near Me forum member shared the good news.
Menopause can be painful
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And how to reduce the symptoms of menopause with the help of herbal medicine, nutrition and rejection of bad habits, read on our forum. Every day new tips, life hacks and proven recipes from our readers!