In Office 2013, you can add useful applications directly to Word, Excel, and more. As a rule, applications mean information resources. For example, dictionaries for interpreting terms or accessing sites (such as Wikipedia, etc.) directly from MS Office to check any facts.
For example, let’s add a tool for calculating mathematical expressions in Word WordCalc. To install the application in Word, open the tab Insertion (Insert).
In section Apps (Applications) click Apps for Office (My Apps) and select from the dropdown menu See All (See all).
A dialog box will open Apps for Office (Apps for Office). Click on the link Find more apps at the Office Store (Office Store) at the bottom of the window.
The default browser opens the Office Store with available applications that you can add to your Microsoft Office programs. Some of them are free, others are not. We chose a free app WordCalc.
On the application page WordCalc click Add (Add) to install it in Word.
You may need to sign in to your Microsoft account if you haven’t already done so.
On the confirmation page, click Continue (Continue).
This will open a page with instructions on how to access the newly installed Microsoft Office application. Follow all the instructions below.
Open the tab again Insertion (insert) and in section Apps (Applications) click Apps for Office (My applications). A dialog box will open Apps for Office (Apps for Office). Select the app you just installed and click on Insertion (Add).
The app bar will open on the right side of the screen. To evaluate the value of an expression in WordCalc, write it in the input field (or directly on the Word page). For example, let’s calculate the arithmetic mean of the numbers 4 and 15.
Press Enter, and the result will appear in the line below the input field.
To close the application, click the button Х to the right of its name.
You can go back to Office Store (Office Store) and install other applications in Microsoft Office 2013 programs. Don’t forget to add applications in the dialog box Apps for Office (Apps for Office) to use them.