How to add a note to a formula or cell in Excel 2013

When populating an Excel spreadsheet with formulas, you’ll probably want to leave a comment about how the formula works. Or add instructions for other users what each specific cell does. This will give you a lot less headaches in the future. In this tutorial, you will learn how to add a comment to a formula and a note to a cell in Excel.

Adding a Comment to a Formula in Excel

In order to add a comment directly to the formula, Excel has a function N (H). It works very simply: just add the sign + (plus) at the end of the formula and then write N(“comment to the formula”) or W(“comment to the formula”) – for the version of Excel. In parentheses after N (H) You can insert any text by enclosing it in quotation marks. See an example of how it looks like:

When you select a cell with a formula in Excel, this comment can be read in the formula bar.

Adding a note to a cell

Another way to comment a formula is to add a comment to a cell that will appear when you hover over it with the mouse pointer. Such a comment will be very useful, both for you and for other users of your Excel workbook. This way you can explain to them the purpose of each element.

Let’s show this using the example of a function that generates a random number in a given range. Open Excel and enter the following formula in any cell: =RANDBETWEEN(1, 49) or =CASEBETWEEN(1; 49) – for the version of Excel. This function returns a random value within the given range, in our case from 1 to 49.

If you do not have calculation settings enabled in the automatically (Automatic), you must press the key F9 or command Calculate Now (Recalculation) in the section Calculation (Calculations) tab Formulas (Formulas) to generate a new random number.

To add a comment to a cell that describes the process of generating a random number, select the cell and open the tab Review (Review).

In section Comments (Notes) click New Comment (Create note).

A box stylized as a sticker appears with an arrow pointer pointing at the selected cell. By default, this field contains the current username, but you can remove it or add a note directly to it. Enter any text in the note field. You can increase or decrease the field size. To do this, there are small square controls on the sides and corners of the note borders.

After you have entered the desired text, click anywhere outside the note field. The field will close and a small red triangle will appear in the upper right corner of the cell, indicating that it contains a note.

If you hover your mouse pointer over a cell, the note will be displayed.

To remove a comment from a cell, right-click on it and select Delete Comment (Delete Note) from the context menu.

Notes in Excel is a handy documenting tool that serves as a good reminder for you, as well as a relevant help for other Excel users.

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