How to achieve internal balance?
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World Brain Week and the possibilities of preventing neurodegenerative diseases with the MNEMOSLINE® medical device.

Joanna Kostrzewska – MNEMOSLINE® light therapy expert, Recall Healing consultant, conducts social campaigns, President of Plazanet RevitaLash® Polska, Plaza Medical MNEMOSLINE®, member of the Polish Suicidological Society. The originator of the breast cancer prophylaxis campaign “Zdrowy Nawyk, Zdrowe Bresi”, which she has been running for 12 years with the Federation of “Amazons” Associations thanks to the involvement of clinics and offices all over Poland.

The efficiency of our brain determines WHO WE ARE and who we can become. Working on yourself and being aware of yourself, taking care of your energy well-being and the body’s efficiency make it easier to face life’s difficulties. World Brain Week is a reminder of the importance of our brain health. The medical device of Professor Neurologist and Surgeon Francesco Ferro MNEMOSLINE® is a breakthrough in caring for the condition of the brain in a stimulated cyberworld engulfed in pandemic and trauma of war.

Table of Contents:



MNEMOSLINE® Neuro Brain Stimulator with SLI Light.

What is this medical device?

MNEMOSLINE® – Neuro Brain Stimulator with SLI Light * Patented medical device that uses the light of programmed therapeutic LED diodes to bring the brain into the alpha state and regenerate it.

* SLI – Stimulatione Luminosis Intermittente- is a pulsating, intermittent light with programmed frequencies, which gradually increases the brain’s frequencies in the oscillation of the Alpha band from 10-11-12 Herzów on the basis of resonance. MNEMOSLINE® works on the eye-brain line – this brainwave training and the stimulation of arising melatonin and BDNF proteins.

This new way of taking care of the condition of the brain works with the energy of light on the eye-brain line, using the principles of neurorehabilitation and synaptic plasticity of the brain and photobiomodulation.

The MNEMOSLINE® medical device is the result of 50 years of research by the team of the Italian Professor of Neurology, Surgeon Francesco Ferro Milone.

Scientific studies included in 110 publications and 890 citations confirm the support of the MNEMOSLINE® medical device for rehabilitation and protection of memory, depression, insomnia, stress and improved humor.

MNEMOSLINE® leads to brain synchronization and regeneration, has an anti-aging effect and as a prophylaxis and support in neurodegenerative diseases and as a protective factor in preventing suicides.


Why did you introduce MNEMOSLINE® to Poland?

Thanks to my Friends from Italy, I met the creator of the patented medical device MNEMOSLINE®, Professor Neurologist and Surgeon Francesco Ferro Milone. For many years, apart from running the RevitaLash® brand in Poland and the breast cancer prophylaxis campaign, “Zdrowy habit, Zdrowe breast”, I have been dealing with self-awareness. I have participated in numerous workshops and trainings. I am a certified total biology consultant – Recall Healing. I am a member of the Polish Suicidological Society and I study suicidology, the task of which is to prevent suicides and research their causes.

MNEMOSLINE® is for me an opportunity to work for inner balance for all of us. My motto is „PEACE starts in Your HEART=EARTH”. If we want peace in the world, we must start with building our own emotional balance and peace in our own Heart and absolute love. Each of our emotions and thoughts has an energetic potential, just like light. Each of us must learn to consciously manage them, and then the change in the world will be quantum.


How does the MNEMOSLINE® medical device work? How long does this therapy, SLI light meditation last?

Ten minutes of therapy feeds the brain with light energy and trains the brain waves to alpha state, similar to neurofeedback or meditation. Famous psychiatrist Bessel van der Kolk shows that as a result of the trauma, war veterans have disappearance of alpha waves in the back of the brainwhich contributes to the lack of concentration and problems in everyday functioning and relationships. Alpha waves signal relaxation, their fading away, a state of constant agitation.

Today, we are all traumatized by pandemics and wars that paralyze the fear and uncertainty of tomorrow. Exposure to combat changes our brains that were previously normal. Thanks to MNEMOSLINE®, we can calm down and achieve a state of inner balance by increasing the activation of the Alpha range, which indirectly reduces the stress level.

It is best to repeat the light therapy 3 times: after waking up, during the day and before going to bed. Mnemosline® is like a sunny beach of peace closed with glasses.

Thanks to brainwave training, we can learn to achieve beneficial states, learn faster and achieve life goals. Regular, long-term use is recommended.


How can MNEMOSLINE® help us?

Did you know that under the influence of blue light emitted from phones, tablets, TV sets, we destroy our natural level melatonin ? (F.Ferro Milone,T.Mineli,R.Cian,2016 Neuroscience&Medicine)

Professor Francesco Ferro Milone has shown that the programmed red light of the healing LEDs stimulates the pineal gland to produce melatonin. After 10 minutes of MNEMOSLINE® therapy, the level of melatonin in the test group (saliva test) increased 2-4 times! ( Growth can be compared to taking a drug 1-2 mg. In the case of the self-reproduction of melatonin by the pineal gland, we have a guarantee that melatonin covers the circadian cellular rhythms of the human body.

Melatonin is our longevity hormone, it affects our immunity, destroys cancer cells and calms the stimulated brain.

Let’s remember! Blue light cyberworld devices (cells, tablets, TV sets) destroys our natural melatonin levels. Melatonin levels also decline with age. Low melatonin levels include malaise, irritability, exhaustion, insomnia and disturbed brain function. Many scientists emphasize the correlation of melatonin levels with insomnia and depression. Melatonin has been studied more extensively during the pandemic, the National Sleep Foundation with Professor Adam Wichniak recommends taking the drug melatonin during treatment Covid while receiving the vaccine and to increase the body’s immunity.

When using MNEMOSLINE® light therapy, our pineal gland produces melatonin by itself!

When exposed to light, SLI is also formed BDNF proteinwhich is responsible for the formation of new neurons and their synaptic connections and prevents the aging of the brain. BDNF protein is like the Holy Grail for the brain! Thanks to BDNF, we learn faster, have a better memory, and keep a fit mind. Research shows that people exhausted by stress, depression, addiction, obesity and those who have committed suicide have very low BDNF protein levels. That is why MNEMOSLINE® and its way of “feeding” the brain with light is a protective factor and alleviates unfavorable mental states most often caused by physical exhaustion of our organisms, experienced anxiety, stress or trauma not only from a pandemic. The high level of BDNF protein allows for creating new neural pathways and creating new positive habits. We will also increase the level of BDNF protein with an appropriate diet rich in, among others, in Omega-3 fatty acids, magnesium, zinc, turmeric and outdoor activities. MNEMOSLINE®, in turn, perfectly stimulates the formation of the BDNF protein using SLI light during therapy in the clinic or at home.

Of course, MNEMOSLINE® does not replace psychotherapy or pharmacological treatment, and by “recharging” the brain with light energy, it supports them in introducing new habits in the process of building self-awareness and preventing neurodegenerative diseases.


What can be the positive effects of SLI MNEMOSLINE® light meditation?

What are the recommendations?

To achieve the effects of reducing the feeling of stress, insomnia, depression, memory problems, the device should be used regularly i long term, of course, as part of comprehensive measures for one’s own health. The first 10 minutes improves your mood and gives you a feeling of relaxation, and many months of treatment help prevent premature decay of neurons and gradually improve cognitive functions.

As he reports Dominika Wieland- Lenczowska, psychotherapist, forensic expert, author of a doctorate on trauma:

“The therapy of Professor Francesco Ferro Milone significantly contributed to the restoration of fitness of a patient lying in bed in deep depression with a falling corner of the mouth and blocked right leg and hand”

A well-known master class sports psychologist Dariusz Nowicki informs: “Appropriate mental training and MNEMOSLINE® light stimulation of Professor Neurologist, Surgeon F. Ferro Milone is a measurable increase in the performance of the best Polish athletes. The therapy accelerates psychophysical regeneration and increases the effectiveness of visualization exercises. An example would be an athlete Marcin Lewandowski or Malwina Kopron, who won the Polish Championship in hammer throw and a bronze medal at the Olympic Games in Tokyo 2020+ “

In turn, Krystyna Wechmann – The President of the Federation of “Amazonki” Associations, the President of the Polish Coalition of Oncological Patients states: “I use MNEMOSLINE® to improve memory and concentration. MNEMOSLINE® alleviates unfavorable mental states and I am “charged” with the positive energy of SLI light every day! ”.

The device is used by many people of science, art and culture in Poland. It facilitates learning meditation, mindfulness, being “here and now” and creating well-being. MNEMOSLINE® is available in authorized clinics and offices as a supportive treatment and as a home medical device for the whole family to buy.

For example, in Warsaw, we invite you to Sharley Medical Clinic Day SPA Magdaleny Bogulak, in Szczecindo Szymaniak-Osipowicz Clinics, in Wroclaw to Be the Balance Psychological Clinic, in Poznan La Rouge Clarins Beauty Clinic.

We invite you to our authorized clinics and MNEMOSLINE® and

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