How to achieve a soothing treatment with aloe vera?

How to achieve a soothing treatment with aloe vera?

The aloe vera ? Everybody talks about it ! It is THE plant to know and use without moderation. To make the most of its virtues, here is the recipe for a soothing treatment.

A very pretty plant full of virtues … Aloe vera is essential for the well-being of the oragnism, but also of the skin. We explain how to make a soothing treatment.

Aloe vera, what is it?

Aloe vera is often called aloes. Do not panic, it is indeed a single plant known and used for its medicinal properties for more than 5.000 years. Native to South Africa and now cultivated all over the world, aloe vera is now pampered by herbalists and cosmetic companies.

Without a central stem, the plant is made up of long, narrow leaves that are somewhat prickly on the sides. At the end of five years, one can begin to take the leaves to manufacture medicines or beauty products.

What are its benefits ? 

In total, aloe vera counts seventy-five nutrients, twenty minerals, eighteen amino acids and twelve vitamins. When we tell you that she is rich! Its effects and benefits for the body are even more numerous. It slows down the aging of the skin, is ideal for treating sunburns and is an essential ally against burns. Aloe helps in healing wounds, treats eczema, psoriasis, impetigo, acne, moisturizes dry skin, strengthens nails and hair, drives out dandruff and restores radiance to the skin.

Since it boosts the immune system and has antioxidants, it can help those who suffer from cancer. It effectively protects against radiation, is an anti-inflammatory, stimulates the metabolism, strengthens the body, fights fatigue and improves circulation. More precisely, aloe vera consumed regularly decreases the risk of skin, intestinal and colon cancer.

A soothing treatment for oily skin

Of course, you can buy a soothing aloe vera treatment or mask in drugstores or organic stores. But you can also do it yourself! If you have oily skin, this recipe is for you. You need honey (anti-bacterial) and an aloe vera leaf (moisturizing and perfect for healing blemishes): open and remove the skin of the aloe vera leaf to take the gel it contains.

Note that you can also buy pure gel (99%) organic in stores or on the internet. Mix in a blender then add a tablespoon of honey. Apply to the skin and let sit for twenty minutes, then rinse with cold water. You can do this treatment twice a week for optimal results.

A moisturizer for dry skin

Aloe vera having moisturizing properties, it is the ideal remedy for treating dry skin. As in the previous recipe, take the gel from an aloe vera leaf with the skin removed. Mix in a blender and add a tablespoon of plain yogurt. Mix until the mixture is smooth and liquid. Apply to the skin and let sit for ten minutes then rinse with cold water.

Maylis Choné

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