How to achieve a perfectly flat belly at 40+

If you follow our rules, you can get a steel press in a matter of months.

For those who disappear in gyms, the secret of good abs has long been known. But lazy people also want to be beautiful at any age. Here it is enough to know a few simple techniques that must be followed comprehensively.

Keep your posture

Amazingly, muscles have memory. Regular physical activity for a long time forms changes in the structure of muscle fibers and nerve endings for a long time. If you suck in your stomach and always keep your posture, the abdominals will remember this elastic position. Try to tighten your abdominal muscles, not only when you are taking a beautiful photo, but also while lounging in an office chair. Pulling in the abs daily allows you to quickly recover from childbirth or a long, relaxed rest. To do this, you do not need to spend time and money visiting the gym. Go to work – suck in your stomach. Sit at the computer – keep your posture. If you haven’t done this since your youth, then start now. After a couple of weeks, you will notice how your waist has become thinner and your belly flatter.

Drink water

The simplest and most effective advice that is repeated at every corner. But experts do not in vain remind about taking one and a half liters of clean water every day. At the slightest sign of dehydration, the body panics and begins to retain every drop of water, accumulating it in the abdominal region, or simply in the stomach. Drink up to 8-10 glasses of water a day to maintain proper hydro-balance of the body. The first drop of ice cold liquid in the morning will boost your metabolism. If they poured warm water, they helped to cleanse the vessels and remove toxins from the body. Drink life-giving moisture 40 minutes before meals to moderate appetite and maintain a good figure.

Chew your food well

When it comes to food, our brains tend to be slow-witted. It takes about 20 minutes for the gray matter to receive a signal from the body that the stomach is full. If you consume food too quickly, there is every chance of eating much more than you need. From satiety, there is a feeling of a full stomach, which is not only unpleasant, not aesthetically pleasing, but also physiologically unpleasant. From constant overeating, the stomach expands and increases in size. And then at least suck in your stomach, at least do not suck in, there is no sense. Do not stretch the stomach, but the pleasure of eating: eat in small pieces, chew well.

Choose the right food

You won’t get slimmer if you chew cakes, rolls, fatty sausage and chocolates all day. The phrase “ah, if I could anoint the belly with” Fairy “and the fat would dissolve” reminds that there are no miraculous remedies. Include in your diet grains and vegetables that are rich in fiber: brown rice, apples, cucumbers, seaweed, greens.

Eat protein-rich foods. Diet protein increases metabolism and provides a feeling of fullness. Together with strength training, it increases muscle mass, which has a beneficial effect on the beauty of the abdominal muscles. Let chicken, fish, beef, tofu, eggs, legumes, milk, cottage cheese, natural yogurt settle in your refrigerator.

Foods that are high in calcium will prevent the risk of age-related skeletal diseases such as osteoporosis and help you lose weight and reduce your waist. A sufficient amount of calcium is found in 100 g of hard cheese, 800 ml of milk or kefir, in nuts and seeds.

Vitamin D is essential for the absorption of calcium, which is found in herring, salmon, mackerel, cod liver, fish oil, egg yolks, sour cream and butter. And remember that any healthy lifestyle program is aimed not only at a correct lifestyle, but also at maintaining a beautiful figure.

Just lie down

The Japanese believe that one of the best exercises for a flat stomach is to lie on a couch with a towel roll tucked under your lower back. At the same time, raise the legs above the level of the body. Great advice, isn’t it? Lie down, do nothing. But passive lying has already been tested on many, and, as a rule, it does not make the figure more beautiful. Experts advise using a horizontal position with maximum effect, such as massage that corrects the abdominal area.

– A well-groomed body should be at any age, but 40+ has its advantages. Children have grown up, grandchildren have not yet appeared, so there is time for your beloved. For passive body shaping, you can use gymnastics and massages. Those types of gymnastics that are carried out together with aerobic breathing are very effective: yoga, oxysize, bodyflex, staticsflex. Oxygen, entering the abdomen using these breathing techniques, burns fat. The result will be noticeable after two weeks of training.

New massage technologies not only bring effective tone to the abdominal area, but also give pleasure from the procedure itself. As mentioned above, lie down and lose weight. These are not just anti-cellulite massages, but modern types of therapy and prevention of obesity. The result is visible after the first procedure. These types of massage include: fitness-forming, three-dimensional modeling, lipolytic, neurodiagnostic.

The latter type of massage lasts for a long time and provides a permanent framework of tightened tissues due to the formation of new neural connections. Fitness shaping works for the result through a combination of fitness massage on the couch and a special wrap. For an hour and a half of work, volume in problem areas leaves from 2 to 10 centimeters. The 50D modeling massage is ideal for lazy patients. Just like lipolytic with a compression wrap, it is intended for those who are not ready for active work themselves. The specialist uses more than XNUMX massage techniques. This is pumping lymph using abdominal breathing, lymphatic drainage massage, deep tissue, intestinal massage.

If the patient is more than 50, the volume goes up to 10 cm, if 44–46 – minus 2-3 cm is guaranteed. The skin is tightened, the looseness disappears.

We must not forget that body work is a complex care. It is necessary to observe the drinking regime, reduce food intake, exclude fatty, sweet, fried, smoked foods and alcohol.

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