How to accelerate weight loss?

First of all, you need to realize that being overweight is a big burden for your body. And if you understand this, then you need to prepare for the fact that losing weight is not as easy as gaining it. The process of fighting body fat is long in time and rather difficult in terms of its physical activity. But before you have time to look back, summer will be just around the corner, and each of us wants to look healthy and fit. Therefore, you need to know the answer to the question, what can speed up the process of acquiring ideal forms.


Many experts argue that accelerated weight loss is really a reality. You just need to lose as many calories as possible every day. For some people, this is not a problem, because they have a fast metabolism. But what should the rest of us do? They will have to work hard to establish metabolism – the process of metabolism. Very interesting is the fact that even at rest, men lose more calories than women. And at the age of 40, it is almost impossible for women to lose weight.


Let’s talk about real ways how you can improve and establish metabolism in the body.

Ways to accelerate weight loss

In no case you can not resort to the help of blitz diets… They, of course, increase the metabolic rate, but they have a very detrimental effect on our body. Their main rule is not more than 1000 calories per day, and their number is reduced due to muscle mass. The less muscle mass, the slower the metabolic processes will occur. Remember that this type of diet can reduce the amount of extra pounds, but after a while your excess weight will return and “bring” a couple more kilograms. So it’s best to exercise and build muscle. It is important to remember that the most effective workouts take place in the morning.

Increase muscle mass… There is a scientific fact that our muscles burn 6 calories daily. And after active sports, the metabolic rate increases.

Do not forget about systematic training. The same aerobics can activate metabolic processes in our body. But strength training benefits most of all, because only after strength metabolism is accelerated for another 24 hours.


Observe drinking regimen. In the process of accelerated weight loss, plays an important role black coffee… But, this invigorating drink is able to speed up metabolic processes only for a while. The main component of coffee is caffeine, which can burn an additional 50 calories in four hours.

Use green tea also has a beneficial effect on metabolism. According to research, it can reduce our weight by at least 3 kg per year.

With accelerated weight loss, we must not forget about a lot of fluid intake… In the opposite case, the exchange processes are slightly inhibited. It will not be superfluous to drink a glass of water before each meal. Fruits and vegetables are also rich in water.


Many scientific experiments have shown that chilled drinks do a great job of burning those extra pounds. You can also drink iced tea or sugar-free coffee. Just be careful, don’t get sick.

Review your diet. There is evidence that spicy foods speed up metabolism by about 23%. But there is one caveat that this effect does not last long, so you need to eat spicy food as often as possible.


If your metabolic processes are slow, you need to think about the fact that you may be eating a large portion of food at a time and taking too long breaks between each meal. You can lose weight only when you start to eat often, but in small portions. It will be helpful to keep intervals of at least three hours between each meal.

The last golden rule for accelerated weight loss is large consumption of protein foods… Protein foods are capable of burning twice as many calories as all others. Protein-rich foods include meat – beef, pork, chicken, as well as fish and eggs.


For the process of losing weight, and even more so for the accelerated one, you need to prepare both mentally and physically. But we assure you that it is worth it. If you follow all of the above tips, then the result will not be long in coming. And in most cases, this is a positive result.

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