How the stomach goes down before childbirth: in primiparous, multiparous

How the stomach goes down before childbirth: in primiparous, multiparous

During pregnancy, a woman’s body undergoes many different changes, which is reflected in her appearance. In many cases, a woman notices how the belly sinks before childbirth, this is accompanied by other sensations.

Feelings in primiparous and multiparous

Lowering the bottom of the uterus, or in other words, lowering the abdomen, is a normal and natural process that indicates the approach of labor. This happens gradually and may not be noticed by the expectant mother.

A woman, knowing when and how her stomach goes down before childbirth, can mentally prepare for the long-awaited event.

The abdomen drops down when the child moves into the small pelvis, where it takes up a certain position. In addition to external changes, the expectant mother has the following sensations:

  • a feeling of lightness, it becomes easier for a woman to breathe;
  • shortness of breath disappears;
  • the digestion process improves, belching and heartburn disappear.

These are positive aspects. Together with them, pain appears in the lower back, in the region of the perineum and pelvis. In addition, the urge to use the toilet becomes more frequent, there is discomfort while walking and sitting, and it becomes uncomfortable to sleep.

When does the belly go down during the first pregnancy?

The fundus may sink at different times for each pregnant woman. It is impossible to name a specific period, but on average it occurs at the 35th or 36th week of pregnancy, that is, approximately 3-4 weeks before delivery. This will be clearly noticeable if the child is small in height and weight, the mother has a narrow pelvis, weak abdominal muscles, or she is expecting twins.

A drooping belly, which looks like a pear, indicates that the organisms of the mother and baby are ready for childbirth. This is the earliest harbinger of an impending event.

Lowering period into the second pregnancy

With repeated pregnancies, the fundus of the uterus can sink at any time. Experienced women in labor can easily determine this visually. Prolapse can occur at 38–39 weeks of gestation, 30 days, or the day before delivery. This may occur an hour before or just before the onset of the contractions. If the belly does not sink during pregnancy, there is nothing to worry about. In this case, experts recommend transferring contractions in an upright position, which will ease the pain and facilitate the movement of the child along the birth canal.

It is only a specialist who can reliably determine whether the stomach is lowered or not, having made the appropriate measurements. In any case, by the end of pregnancy, the child will definitely begin to move into the small pelvis and prepare for birth, although outwardly this process may remain invisible to the mother.

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