How the stars lose weight weight loss recipes

How the stars lose weight weight loss recipes

Did the holidays leave a memory of themselves in the form of extra pounds? Especially for you, Woman’s Day has compiled a rating of famous countrywomen who can boast of their parameters, and asked the girls to tell you how you can lose weight without harming your health.

“I carry a yoga mat with me on tour!”

Age 46 years

Growth: 170 см

The weight: 53 kg

The secret of harmony: To look good, you need to exercise and eat right. I do not smoke, do not drink alcohol, in general, I lead a healthy lifestyle. I run in the morning, go to the gym and do yoga. Of course, I will not argue that yoga is a panacea for everything. But it is at least good for your health. I do this daily. Even on tour I carry a rug with me on purpose. I practice in the morning and after the concert at XNUMX am.

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Sasha Vorobyova, winner of the show “The Voice”

“My choice is a low-carb meal.”

Age 25 years

Growth: 188 см

The weight: 72 kg

The secret of harmony: Together with my fiancé Pavel, I try to visit the gym as often as possible. Of course, sometimes I can afford to eat something flour and sweet. But in general, I try to eat right. At the same time, I never go on diets, because a diet is something that destroys our body and limits it in obtaining nutrients. I chose a low-carb diet for myself.

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Natalia Sharonova, International TOP MODEL of Russia

“I am having an active rest!”

Age 23 years

Growth: 180 см

The weight: 56 kg

The secret of harmony: I was lucky in my life: I never went on diets and did not deny myself anything. My recipe for harmony: a lot of sleep, water, plenty of fresh vitamins and meat (the body needs it). In general, I never sit still and try to visit the hamam and the gym twice a week. I love outdoor activities and travel. I regularly go in for sports and try to keep myself in shape.

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Yulia Alipova, “Miss Russia 2014”

“Porridge, fresh vegetables and seafood”

Age 24 years

Growth: 179 см

The weight: 60 kg

The secret of harmony: I regularly – three times a week – visit the fitness center, try to eat balanced: in the morning – oatmeal in water, which I just adore, in the afternoon – seafood and fresh vegetables (they, unlike heat-treated ones, have much more vitamins) , in the evening – salad or fruit. But sometimes I allow myself my favorite desserts, for example, today I ate a portion of delicious ice cream.

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Maria Belonogova, “Queen of Spring 2012”

“I eat sweets … But only until dinner!”

Age 23 years

Growth: 175 см

The weight: 48 kg

The secret of harmony: I don’t have enough time for fitness, but I try to do exercises in the morning and walk more often. Of course, I watch my diet, but since I am a sweet tooth, I allow myself different snacks. There is one important condition – they can be eaten only during the day – until 15:00 (or better until 12:00). It is also desirable that the sweets are natural. I really love grandma’s blackcurrant jam, apple pie and ice cream.

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Anastasia Barannik, “Miss Students of Russia-2014”

“I have been playing sports since childhood!”

Age 18 years

Growth: 172 см

The weight: 57 kg

The secret of harmony: For me it is a healthy lifestyle: active, athletic and inner spiritual balance. Since childhood, I have been involved in sports. I simply don’t let my figure “relax”. I have never been on diets, I just try to adhere to proper nutrition. My advice to girls who are striving to become more beautiful is to watch your appearance, go to the gym.

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Marina Ippolitova, head of the dance studio

“I work on myself every day”

Age 36 years

Growth: 169 см

The weight: 58 kg

The secret of harmony: To be in good shape and have the strength for an active life, I work on myself every day. My day necessarily consists of the following steps: every morning I get up at 5:45 am, immediately go for a walk with the dog, do light exercises there, after that I do abdominal exercises and push-ups at home, be sure to drink a glass of clean water, take a contrast shower and rubbing my body. I definitely go to yoga (five classes per week) and aerial acrobatics training (there are about four of them per week).

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Age 27 years

Growth: 167 см

The weight: 48 kg

The secret of harmony: I’ve always played sports. I chose running (in spring and summer) and group workouts in the gym (abs, squats, lunges, and so on). But you need to remember that a good result cannot be achieved without proper nutrition. Once I recovered a lot, revised my entire diet and completely gave up sweets. I had breakfast with egg white, low-fat cottage cheese with fruit, drank coffee without milk and green tea. For lunch I had steamed vegetables, buckwheat porridge, boiled rice (no potatoes and pasta), boiled meat. And I also didn’t eat after 18:00 (this was probably the hardest part!). Thus, I lost 12 kilograms.

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Maria Medici, TV presenter

“No sausage and mayonnaise!”

Age 30 years

Growth: 165 см

The weight: 54 kg

The secret of harmony: I never eat sausage products and mayonnaise. I never go to McDonald’s. I drink a lot of hot tea after meals. And I also have a frenzied metabolism. Thank you mom for that!

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Maria Britvina, member of the Las Vegas KVN team

“Bicycle, skates and green apples”

Age 24 years

Growth: 170 см

The weight: 52 kg

Slimming Secret: My secret is daily exercise and a healthy diet. Be sure to eat porridge in the morning, and green apples during the day. I love bicycles, rollerblades and skates, and in the near future I plan to start snowboarding.

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