How the smallest newborn girl in the world was nursed

A baby named Saby managed to survive, despite the direst predictions of doctors. She is the smallest female baby in the world.

Medium sized apple. Juice box. Baby Saby. All of them have one thing in common – weight. The girl was born when her mother was 23 weeks pregnant. To be precise – 23 weeks and 3 days.

Saby’s mother did not particularly complain about her health. Well, yes, she was not well, but she was sure: this is normal, malaise is the eternal companion of pregnancy. But during the next examination, the doctors simply did not let her go home.

“I was told that I had preeclampsia (a dangerous condition during pregnancy, accompanied by severe headache, high blood pressure, threatened with miscarriage and death of the mother and fetus.) Approx. Ed.). The doctors insisted on a caesarean section, but I could not agree in any way. After all, my baby was still very young, I kept repeating that she would not survive, ”said Saby’s mother.

But there was no other way out. I had to do a cesarean.

When the doctors took out the child, they themselves were amazed at how small she was. They had never seen so tiny babies. We tried to weigh the girl so that everything was as it should be. But nothing came of it. As it turned out, hospital scales simply do not record a weight of less than 300 grams. And Saby weighed 245.

“The heartbeat was very strong. And, fortunately, we were able to insert a breathing tube, ”says Dr. Paul Wozniak, the neonatologist who saved Sabie’s life.

The girl was immediately taken to the intensive care unit. The parents were told that the doctors are doing everything possible, but there is no hope: Sabie’s father and mother were given only an hour to look at their baby. Then she had to die.

But an hour stretched out for two, then for the whole day, another, weeks, then for months – Saby was desperately fighting for her life. Like the doctors who did everything to save the girl.

“The first week of Sabie’s life was very bad. It was very lucky that there was no bleeding or brain infection, in such a situation we did not exclude this, ”explains Dr. Wozniak.

The baby remained in the intensive care unit for a long five months. And recently she was discharged.

“I still consider it a miracle. When I was studying, babies born before 28 weeks did not survive. They didn’t even try to save them. But times have changed, technology has evolved. Sabie is an incredible combination of medical skill and luck. Not every child of this weight can survive. Let’s hope that it will continue without complications, ”added the doctor.

Meanwhile, the Tiniest Babies Registry has updated statistics. It turned out that Saby is the smallest female baby who managed to survive after a premature birth. Before her, a girl who was born weighing 252 grams had the palm – a little more, but for a baby even these grams are of tremendous importance.

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