How the second labor begins: contractions, precursors and signs, at how many weeks
The second birth, like the first, requires special preparation. After all, it is important not only the physical, but also the psychological state of a woman. To find out how a second birth begins, consider the main stages of a re-pregnancy.
Before pregnancy, go through a full medical examination with your partner and give up bad habits. Sign up for a mom-to-be club. Here they will not only tell you about the physiology of childbirth, but also prepare you psychologically.
The second birth starts differently for each woman.
Do special exercises for pregnant women. Especially exercise your breathing and strengthen your pelvic floor muscles. Monitor your health and if you feel unwell, immediately seek help from a doctor.
How many weeks do you give birth to your second child?
The answer to this question is individual. The child may be born a little earlier or later than the appointed time. Therefore, the statement that a second birth should be premature is a real myth.
How to understand that the harbingers of the second birth have begun?
Repeated labor usually proceeds in the same way as the first. The only difference is in the time of manifestation of the first symptoms. In a multiparous woman, they can begin in a day. Here are some of them:
- Discharge of the mucous plug.
- Profuse vaginal discharge.
- Contractions.
- Abdominal prolapse.
- Outpouring of amniotic fluid.
- Diarrhea, nausea, and frequent urination. Not to be confused with poisoning.
- Weight loss by 1−2,5 kg due to loss of fluid in the body.
If you find these symptoms, get ready to go to the hospital. Especially if the sensations are strong and pronounced.
What are the signs of complications?
Childbirth is a great stress for the body. A break of at least 2 years is required between them. Difficulties may arise if the “rest” is too short or too long.
Affects the course of pregnancy and the age of the woman. It is recommended to give birth to children between 20 and 35 years old. During this period, women rarely suffer from serious illnesses, and therefore it is easier to tolerate pregnancy.
Postpartum complications include bleeding and rupture.
Postponed abortions or miscarriages adversely affect childbirth. Complications can arise from chronic illnesses. These include diabetes, asthma, heart problems, and many others.
Recommendations for giving birth a second time
Prepare the room in advance for the newborn and pack things for the hospital. Choose a doctor and a maternity hospital. Consider partner delivery.
Hear and do whatever the obstetricians and gynecologists say. It is important to relax and breathe deeply during contractions. And when pushing, hold your breath and let the air in, straining your abdominal muscles.
For a successful second birth, take care of your health and maintain a positive attitude. After all, becoming a mother twice is a great happiness.