How the morning begins, or Once again about the benefits of water

The abundant use of water is promoted everywhere and everywhere. It is believed that the average person should drink about two liters of pure water per day. For me, this is an unbearable volume: no matter how hard I tried, I could never drink so much water a day.

Fortunately for me, it turns out that for those who follow a “plant-based” diet, it is not necessary to torture themselves with water in such quantities, because fresh vegetables and fruits contain a lot of natural juices that supply the body with the necessary moisture.

However, it is very important to drink water at the beginning of the day, or rather, even start the day with water, preferably warm, with the addition of half a lemon (or one lime) juice to one glass of water: these citrus fruits contribute to the cleansing processes in the body and are saturated with vitamin С… When I found out about this recommendation, I was surprised, because I thought that lemon and lime create an acidic environment in the body. It turned out quite the opposite. The acid in these fruits helps the digestive system absorb minerals, which makes our blood more alkaline (which is what we strive for).

Just in case, let me remind you that drinking with meals is extremely wrong, because water dilutes gastric juices and slows down the digestion process, which is bad. Experts recommend drinking half an hour before meals and only an hour after.


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