How the belly grows during pregnancy begins to grow quickly

How the belly grows during pregnancy begins to grow quickly

At each visit to the gynecologist, the abdominal circumference is measured for a pregnant woman, comparing the indicators with the growth rates. But in two pregnant women at the same time, the sizes can be very different. This is a normal phenomenon, because the growth of the abdomen is an individual process, and the norms are average and approximate.

How does the belly grow during pregnancy?

Usually in the first trimester, the belly of a pregnant woman does not change its size. According to medical standards, rounding of forms begins at the 16th week. This happens most often during the first pregnancy. With the second or subsequent gestation, an increase in volume can be observed already in the first trimester. From the 20th week, active growth begins, and the tummy becomes noticeable to others.

Doctors always watch how the belly grows during pregnancy

There are cases of latent pregnancy, when the increase in size is noticeable only at 8-9 months, but this is rare

If a woman is plump, her belly is less noticeable than that of a thin one. Although their growth rate may be the same, there are differences in appearance due to their different build. If the expectant mother went in for sports before pregnancy and has pumped up abdominal muscles, her stomach will be less noticeable.

How fast the belly grows during pregnancy – the determining factors

The timing of the growth of the abdomen depends on several reasons, individual for each woman:

  • heredity. Often the course of pregnancy is similar for mother and daughter;
  • what a kid. Carrying a first child will differ from subsequent ones;
  • features of the figure and physique;
  • fetal development rate. If the fetus is large, the belly will be appropriate;
  • presentation. The baby is located closer to the spine or to the front wall of the uterus.

How the belly begins to grow during pregnancy is influenced by the amount of amniotic fluid. If their number to a greater or lesser extent deviated from the norm, then this is considered a serious pathology and can be dangerous for the child. If the female forms begin to round up early and quickly, this may be due to multiple pregnancies.

During routine examinations of a gynecologist and an ultrasound scan, the norms or pathologies of the course of pregnancy are determined. The doctor takes into account all the factors affecting the size of the abdomen, comparing it with the indicators of the norm. Therefore, you need to register for pregnancy as early as possible. And do not worry if your size and the timing of the appearance of the abdomen differ from those of your friend – this is quite normal.

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