How the beauty industry will develop in the next 10 years
Let’s look into the future.
The world of beauty is developing rapidly today. Beauty and cosmetology are no longer equated with means of disguise and protection. Their choice is considered consciously, considering as a whole complex that the body needs for healthy functioning. Beauty is vitamins, lifestyle and mood. And the main trends are no longer set by manufacturers. They are forced to adapt to the requirements of consumers and respond to socio-cultural changes in society.
Cosmetology as preventive medicine
Cosmetology today focuses on the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of human diseases, taking into account his individual characteristics. This approach gave rise to a new direction – preventive medicine, which is part of the general medical approach to treatment – 5R-medicine. “It boils down to 5 basic principles: predictive, or predictive, preventive, or preventive, participatory – medicine in which the patient is a participant in the process, he is informed and trained, and helps in choosing. Personalized – the uniqueness of each person is taken into account, and the treatment plan is based on the selection of individual procedures. Positive – a positive attitude of the patient and the doctor to achieve a result. Such a medical approach to the patient allows achieving the most progressive results, and this applies not only to cosmetology, ”comments Irina Gnedina, chief physician of the SkinArt clinic of aesthetic medicine and laser cosmetology.
Safe and long-lasting beauty
Buyers pay more and more attention to the topic of environmental friendliness in cosmetics, read the composition of creams and communicate with consultants. Nobody believes in blind advertising and beautiful packaging. Long-term action is preferred over instant effect. This trend will continue and intensify in the future. Even luxury brands came out without parabens, sulfates, mineral oils and in eco-packaging. Although experts claim that the insignificant concentration in which these supposedly dubious substances are contained in cosmetics is absolutely harmless, consumer phobia is still growing. Today, some brands use honey as a preservative because it can last forever. Even honey found in Egyptian tombs is still edible.
Genetic tests before cosmetic procedures
The future lies in a fundamentally different way of diagnosing processes occurring in the skin and changing treatment tactics based on these data. Already today, in European cosmetic clinics and some Russian clinics, patients, along with skin diagnostics, are offered to pass a genetic test in order to predict the aging process of the body. “Our genome (the totality of all the genes of an organism) is a kind of master plan for the construction of an organism. Having passed a genetic test, it is possible to predict how a cell will age in a particular person at the genetic level, taking into account, among other things, his lifestyle. And you can also see how biochemical processes proceed: glycation, synthesis of vitamins that are most important for the skin (A, C, E). The results of genetic texts allow us to create more effective treatment and develop an individual home care plan, including taking vitamins and recommendations for correcting lifestyle, ”comments Irina Gnedina, chief physician of the SkinArt clinic of aesthetic medicine and laser cosmetology.
Hardware techniques in home care
In Japan and Korea, hardware techniques have already become part of home care and are no longer perceived as tools for beauty parlors. Cleansing, massage, anti-cellulite, anti-acne and other gadgets have become an important part of the arsenal of beauty users. True, some of them sound like an incomprehensible set of words to us. And it’s hard to imagine which part of the body to apply it to. For example, an expander for the mouth, which helps to remove the nasolabial fold and tighten the oval.
Advanced home gadgets do almost everything – they cleanse pores, relieve tension from the eyes and neck, dry acne, and tighten the skin with ultrasound. However, in Russia, home gadgets are still like wild animals. Even the world bestseller Clarisonic has officially left the Russian market, as it was poorly bought. The reason for this is the high price and more budgetary alternative of Asian manufacturers. But experts believe that Japanese and Korean beauty gadgets should take root in our country too.
Independent beauty brands
Already today, small beauty brands are actively conquering the cosmetic market in Europe and in the near future may become tangible competition for large beauty corporations. These are primarily brands from celebrities – Fenty Beauty from Rihanna, KKW Beauty from Kim Kardashian and Kylie Cosmetics from Kylie Jenner. Another category of independent producers is the beauty industry professionals such as Dr. Barbara Sturm, who created the signature brand. And also young and daring startups who decided to conquer the beauty world with new concepts and natural formulas. They have bright packaging, ideal for Instagram, closeness to the people, since their creators are ordinary people and a bright idea is at the head of everything.
Out-of-gender makeup
All gender and racial restrictions are gradually being erased in makeup. Cosmetic brands no longer produce foundation in 15–20 shades. They are expanded to at least 40-60 colors for all skin tones, taking into account all the nuances. Men’s makeup is gaining strength and is becoming an independent segment. Already today, Chanel and Givenchy have released a whole line of neutral products for a good complexion and correcting minor problems for men. Women became interested in new products and began to use them themselves. The direction promises to actively develop. This means that gender differences in cosmetics will be completely blurred.