How Successful People Spend Sunday Night

You wait for this weekend, and they fly by – you won’t have time to look back. On Sunday evening, melancholy rolls in, and the last hours of rest flow away like sand through fingers. Successful people know how to deal with this problem. Why not take their example?

Sunday night longing is a feeling familiar to many of us. According to opinion polls, 76% of people experience depression and irritation at this time.

However, Sunday can be spent both pleasantly and profitably. All you need is the right attitude and the right activity: sort things out, relax, or spend time with loved ones. Famous people know how to capitalize on the evening. They…

1. Spend time with family, friends and loved ones

On weekdays, they most likely won’t have time for informal socializing and heart-to-heart talk, says Roy Cohen, business coach and author of The Professional Guide to Wall Street Survival. So they devote most of the weekend evening to the family.

2. Plan something fun

“This is perhaps the most important thing,” says Laura Vanderkam. “Planning like this extends the weekend and helps you focus on what makes you happy, and not on thoughts about Monday.” Family dinners, a trip to the movies or a spa, a game of bowling – the options are many. The main thing is to plan ahead.

3. Go in for sports

Vanderkam writes that reality show producer Eliza Rosen does “hot” yoga at XNUMX:XNUMX p.m. She says, “This is a great way for me to get rid of the toxins that have accumulated over the week and prepare for Monday.”

4. Choose healthy food

A pair of glasses of your favorite Cabernet is, of course, a seductive thing. But psychotherapist and head of Urban Balance Psychology Center Joyce Marter reminds us that alcohol is a depressant that will make you feel much less energetic in the morning. “Better make a healthy dinner and pair it with herbal tea or lemon water,” she advises.

5. Make plans for the next week

According to business coach Marsha Egan, many people prefer to plan business meetings, goals and deadlines for the next week on Sunday. The main thing is not to overwork in the process.

6. Read

Most famous people read every night before bed.

7. Answer calls and emails

They have time to return calls to friends and family and for personal emails and messages that were once distractions all week.

8. Log out

After answering letters and messages, they do anything but work before bed, says career expert Michael Kerr. They do not rush to check the mail every minute and try not to get hung up on the difficulties associated with work.

9. Relax

Tonight, just sit back and relax. Your body and mind need time to recharge. If you know you have a busy week ahead, good sleep and healthy food are a must. It is fuel for the body and mind.

10. Volunteering

This is another way to end the weekend. Nothing distracts you from your own problems more than helping people who are less fortunate than you.

11. Plan your sleep

Chronic lack of sleep is dangerous. You need to form the habit of going to bed at the same time every day if you want to start the work week fresh and rested.

Laura Vanderkam suggests counting the number of hours of sleep you need from when you need to get up and setting an alarm to remind you when it’s time to go to bed.

“The worst thing you can do is stay up late at night and then doze off all morning,” she says. “Our willpower is limited. Why waste it arguing with yourself in the morning and arguing for an extra five minutes of sleep?

12. Reflect

The end of the week is a good time to stop and sort out your own feelings, especially if you have a difficult Monday ahead. You can write down thoughts on a piece of paper, this helps to get to the source of anxiety and understand that everything is actually not so bad.

In any case, this process will be a good emotional release, says Professor James Campbell Quick of the University of Texas: “It’s almost a catharsis to throw everything on paper … You reset the system and start Monday with renewed vigor.”

13. Spiritually enriched

You can join some cultural event: go to an art gallery or a photo exhibition, attend a performance, see local historical sights.

14. Communicate with colleagues

You can go congratulate a colleague on a new position or spend time with a friend from a neighboring department. If you’re busy the rest of the week, Sunday is a good day to make these connections.

15. End the weekend on a high

“Monday will come no matter how you feel about it,” reminds organizational psychologist Michael Woodward, author of Your Personal Plan. “So at the end of the weekend, try to think positively and focus on positive experiences.”


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